Spiritually allowed and qualified quotation from Colossians 4,  as previous practice before and work also,  YHWH YHWH the only true God gives.   

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 

that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
I am and should expectedly or must be directly related with at least, two separate claims of miracles from the Holy Ghost Gods and the Lords who is one Spirit of Gods or YHWH YHWH the only true God.   
1. I was, am, and must be related with DNA analysis confirm-and-check shh h analysis only possible possible Alzheimer Disease patient who used the eye ointment prescription medicine by the name Erythromycin. I requested the State Texas Governor and the Lieutenant Governor of the State Texas and more other numbers of government offices, like the United States Texas Senator, Mr. John Cornyn, to try to indicate politely and legally that no Alzheimer Disease patient can use Erythromycin eye prescription medicine and not lose eye sight. The-only-begotten-eyesight-medicine-passport-laws that I wanted to request meant to indicate factually and sincerely at microscope DNA-analysis-confirm-and-check level that the Spirit of YAHWEH YAHWEH one true Gods and one true Lords rescued, saved, and protected my eye sight for about and toward four years possibly since the time I used the factual amounts of eye ointment for about two times. Medical passport laws were possibly helpful. I felt like later. Again, I was and am the only Alzheimer Disease patient who did not lose eye sight after the facts of Erythromycin eye ointment amount to each eye, like on right and on left, at the same time. That is what it means as my testimony that I, Light True, received miracle from my Holy Ghost the Lord and Gods, and it was and is to this day and time, the-only-begotten-eyesight-healthcare-Passport-laws possible spiritually true, genuine, not fake, life-equality-thank miracle.   
I wanted to state to the government offices possibly before that no eye drops must have alcohol ingredient. And I wanted to indicate legally politely at the same time that the eye ointment Eurythromycin must not become used by any hormone disease patient of, like Alzheimer Disease patient and one more, IBS disease patient at the same time.   
2. I should expectedly and therefore, must be related with the second miracle with and from the Holy Spirit Gods and Lords, as the fact that I received and have to this time and days of the year 2024 that I have the-only-begotten-heart-miracle patient although I was and am still partly, Alzheimer Disease patient. The-only-begotten-heart-miracle interrelate and interpret some conclusions of medical fact very clearly and much definitely that it is no, never possible fact and reality-possible-observation-of-fact(s) that any Alzheimer Disease can be said to have the-only-begotten-heart-miracle. However, I, Light True, have this miracle evidences at least, as DNA check and confirm possible level. If possible appropriately later, I wanted to give this to Texas Health Hospital, please. Again, it is later.   
3. Each state boundary line law or laws should translate, and/or interpret that every geographic location common history people group, if not churches at first and later, one people of each work interrelated neighborhood at a time, has each different insisted, and/or claimed majesty-fair-wage(s)-neighborhoods--of-ranks-and-hierarchy. Churches are the best. No other possible state name(s) insisted, and/or legally claimed majesty-fair-wage(s)-neighbotlrhoods-and-standard-honor-hierarchy should be expectedly and therefore, must be honored. Two miracle lists before indicate spiritually, factually, and legally significantly that any one of two miracles was, is, and must be related with only the State Texas churches related ethnic background and more other people related history, like possibly Pastor Daniel Kolenda, USTX Senator, Mr. John Cornyn possibly, USCT Senator then, Mr. Joe Biden possibly, and more there at DFW counties and interstate highway related people at the times. No other people should expectedly and therefore, must say what is conflict against the truth and fact(s).

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The website HTTPS://WWW.MYFIRSTWEBSITESOFPHOTOSANDMORETOOPLEASE.NET is updated at this time with six separate page address lists. 
HOME, TESTIMONIALS, ALZHEIMER HORMONE DISEASE, and KITCHEN I, and more are available at this time.

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Endless proof request may be with some required occasion to check .    . .     , he said.   He became later Navy Admiral Nelson of Great Britain.   [E. G.  The bank .    . .].,  account is another thought he said somewhere again.   It's like only trick and mistakes can learn.   Or I can teach .    . .    , he said.
That was the mistake I made.   You can talk about .    . .   ,  Nelson someone by the name Wilson who may .    . .   ,  may not be related with one more other name like Wood r a aw begged.   He said that he will try to make the first one .    . .   ,  no .   . .     , the second time of chances he has .   . .     , to help hopefully the kind of problem on the WANTED post .    . .     , reasoned,  discussed,  and become known .    . .     , as things to learn.
Should either Plaintiff or Defendant,  if not equivalent someone must dispute or argue .   . .    , toward lists of proof,  in order to testy facts fairly against the Plaintiff himself or the Defendant himself .   . .    , yet toward certain objective(s.).,  of the lawsuit .    . .     , two parties of both Plaintiff and Defendant must be compared fairly as reason not only .    . .     , like as some two separate bank account amounts of money to be put,  and/or out .    . .    ,  can be comparable to do arguments not only .    . .     , back then I used the word rank,  also .   . .     , was partly at least,  the Navy Admiral Nelson of Great Britain times after 1900 era.   
You may or may not want to compare some bank account amounts of money .    . .     , as differences about and toward who to trust .    . .    , between Plaintiff related people and Defendant related people, .   . .    ,   like Admiral Nelson .    . .     , at some place of solemn truth,  not there and nowhere .    . .     anywhere within Korean Peninsula.   
The tribe of Judah is not chosen people of Yahweh Yahweh one true Gods and one true Lords .    . .    however,  any one of them can be .    . .    , had been .    . .     , has been .    . .     , will have been chosen,  as separated from the rest people of tribe Judah.   The tribe Judah at this time of history now and short time before has been always .    . .     , common people who can decide if they will or will not .    . .     , be helpful to any one of them who may be chosen.   Therefore,  the people of Byzantine nation boundary lines of two countries can take swear of solemn oath about two facts of what the people are,  as the tribe Judah,  for instance.   
I,. Light True,  take swear that the entire people of tribe Judah or the people of tribe Levi is not,  can not be quickly,  shall not,  may not,  will not,  again .    . .     ,  can not be quickly,  and must not be immediately decreed or said as within the business work,  transaction comparable business activities,  and more,  like and into,  as chosen people of God .    . .     , and one more other,  and not common people .    . .     , as sworn oath of two facts with any,  and/or all possible and/or sovereign limitations.
Only one or just in case,  upto four persons possibly throughout one congregation .    . .     no,  never .   . .    , the completely entire people,  like one or upto four at a time .   . .     , can be chosen within and throughout the tribe Judah.   This should be the words or the tradition and history of what one or two apostles said since the ancient time and if needed,  history before.   The tribe Levi can be similar possibly.   
If I say your God or god who can not stay away from indicated differences between your pocket and my pocket .    . .     , is cut off on the head like Dagon on the ground within the Holy Bible books .    . .     , is this not some bank account similar comparable news .    . .     , or two different bank account interrelated testimonies within each country boundary line.   
If I say I can swear that you are not chosen,  and your people are common,  and one more,  like entirely your people of the tribe Judah are not chosen .    . .     , do you have bank account like with equal or equivalent amounts of sworn oath related record four times,  like the other way upside down?   Is it possible for you to say that rank or government office is bank account similar substitute .    . .     , without appropriate not only,  equal or mostly equivalent currency value challenge of Admiral Nelson and his record(s).,  before?   
Without four time sworn oath of facts or truth .    . .     ,  can you say and confirm the truth,  as some currency value equivalent bank account of .    . .     , something .    . .     , instead of either fraud or fraud equivalent punishment?   Since the times of the New Testament history,  people do not count,  and they try not to count moneys more than four times.   So then,  is this not fair whatever fact and truth you claim to be uncertain currency value or any sovereign government power .    . .     , become required to be sworn .    . .     , as related toward one of Sovereign government powers or government laws .    . .    ,  as if it is one of some sovereign events .    . .     , and facts at the same time?   
Military law or federal criminal law related complaint .    . .    no .    . .     , was or is specified indirectly.   Your military rank or government office is not possible .    . .    ,  in behalf of permission .    . .     , other than military law and country boundary line related law like .    . .     , sound of charges to indicate .    . .    , that you are not factually permitted to do door lock break time in and out against country boundary lines of one other different ethnic group people, .    . .     , and more.   Inside bldg., related some other ethnic background person or people related business management is included.   Inside bldg., security management is the same.   
Therefore,  judgement .    . .   no,  never .    . .     , other than punishment objective related charge toward military law .    . .     , can be that they tricked,  lied,  and made repeatitions of incapable transaction value of rank or government office .    . .     , against some bank account comparison not possible competitions of logic or reason, and/or money amounts.   It is estimated to Nazi work of history before,  as repeatition again and again.
I,  Light True,  take swear of the previous facts and truth(s).,  to be solemnly,  faithfully,  honorably,  spiritually,  and as more,  absolute truth and facts at the same time,  without any,  and/or all possible and/or just in case,  sovereign limitations,  under Yahweh Yahweh one true Gods and one true Lords,  YHWH YHWH the Most High Godz and Lordz to be helpful as at all,  Godz of Byzantine Nation as within the question of,  like Is the United States of America Constitution real after them?, etc.   Can you take swear like this about five software license agreement of some commercial law and more,  for your bank account .    . .   no,  never .    . .    , just other than .    . .    , stealing .   . .     , talking about rank or hierarchy .    . .    or government office,  yet constantly not giving up certain Nazi work practice before?   Please,  help me.
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Five Commercial law appropriate software license and more,  like FCC Regulation similar or appropriate lists of lawful thoughts can add more meaningful thoughts toward and with successfully estimated,  and/or reasoned more complete or perfect insight(s).,. to [e  g. the .   . .    , ].,  general comprehension of publicly viewed legal aspect into,. and/or toward the Word of God like software license investment related shares of economy work centered accomplishment.   
Computer software license agreement efforts,  and/or investment or any economy investment should not and ought to be not any sound or aspect of complications or insisted and claimed confusion,  and more toward waste of other people's time,  moneys,. and especially their success stories,. in replacement of .    . .     , if not appropriately instead of .   . .     , vaguely and anonymously claimed and each time already carried out uncertain claim not only,. non-existent throne of brother or actually brotherhood and ethnic group boundary lines of their countries that must be interfered or conflicted in the country boundary lines of different ethnic background people.   
It may be then,  as it is appropriately reasoned and indicated,.  that you are not factually permitted to make transportation delivery of American history related majesty amount,  toward or into one other different ethnic group history of Byzantine,  by or with your geographic location history year counts and government office related count of fames - A.,  you are not permitted to make or work transportation delivery of country boundary line amount consistent or appropriate enemy - B.,  similarly or consequently,  you are not by means of logic or as actual appearance,. cause or make transportation delivery with,  for,  and around any one city within the country boundary lines to become,  such as for certain possible instance or consideration,  like San Antonio of American states and their claim of Texas,  San Antonio of United Nations claim and works or work progress of Texas,. much other than certain commercial software license,  and/or law compatible entities,. like San Antonio of geographic location history and their claim of Texas,  and all United States of America Federal government branches and every one of their agencies must be then,.  like reasoned from the times of Sir. and/or Reverend John Locke,  under the objective works and common efforts of states,  in behalf of Criminal Law only.   All these records within this specific webpage address are estimated appeal,  in behalf of the State Texas governments,  like the State Texas Governor, Mr. Greg Abbott,  the State Texas Lieutenant Governor,  Mr. Daniel Patrick,  and more at our times of trouble.  
You are not factually permitted to make transportation delivery of foreigner state name or names,  majesty enlargement,. United Nations claim possible technology or any hand equipment or military gadget(s.).,  and more others,. as if to commercially compete, as if to restrict and limit uncertain throne or each sovereign power of governments,  in the country boundary lines of one other state name or one other different ethnic group people.   Consequently,  you are not factually permitted to make [E  G.  The transportation . .    .]., delivery of your ethnic background or ethnic group history related military work or rank supervision related any result of fact with or without damage,  in favor of no explanation .    . .     , other than uncertain guess work about city of United Nations claim and their work progress of military by your ethnic background people .   . .     , or certain city of American state or states and their claim of work .   . .     , against one broad Christian religion nation,  as each ethnic background country boundary line appropriate Byzantine only .   . .     , no other religion represented and condoned United States of America Constitution Law related Nation.
You are not factually,. and/or by lack of your religion related atonements represented sworn oath of fact or facts,  induced,. and/or caused,  and/or permitted to make delivery of country boundary line amount of enemy,. insignificant country boundary line size of enemy,  wrongfully claimed yes and no result of logic message repartition no .    . .    ,   other than just one time with no needs to swear anything as record,,  door lock break time in and out without warrant or appropriate explanation and  toward any monetary gain intended commercial license or no license other than somewhere-American-U.N.-laws related investigation and no explanation or helpful interpretation,. possibly toward FCC Regulation also.  
Freedom of region means forgiven and left alone.   I think they do that.   If you just agree with evangelism it's like you are more than before.   Only Apologetics are real,  like Reverend Joshua MacDowell,  Professor Lee Stobel,  and more.   I explained how to praise God,  prophesy,. and read atonements of prayer lines from Spirit of YHWH YHWH the Creator Gods.   Christian Bible New Testament became superior and better right next to marriage bedroom time culture.   This is what is at progress.   Therefore,. freedom of religion means that secretly at this time of argument progress and judgements,. New Testament history holy bible, Apologetics, how to prophesy, how to praise God may be possibly, and one more other complication like IBS disease, Alzheimer Disease, and the necessities of marriage bedroom time culture,  in order to cure two diseases.   All these records should be fair as either record or news .    . .   , Rabbis at the same time possibly.   Otherwise, lies of claimed majesty amount or no country boundary line enemy amount without sworn facts or fact of record may not have to be forgiven.    . .   , against their sovereign claim-no-work-yet-power of door lock break time in and out as foreigner citizen with Criminal Law Jurisdiction United States of America federal laws and their agencies .    . .   , related claim-no-work-yet-power conversation time that does not or do not do law suit replacement communication exchange the other way .    . .     , to the general public as informed and helpfully published quick work of law-suit-protection-results.

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One of certain commercial business law or commercial and criminal law related description or its similar interpretation is or can be after,  and/or into moments of gaze, like this or these words.
The other people at our times,  do not and will not openly,  clearly,  as method or manner of acknowledgement,  and as record claim or work the certain throne of king in the country boundary lines of one other different ethnic background,  and/or ethnic group people.   Otherwise,  they claim silently or secretly,  and work diligently some uncertain throne or each power of king,  like one at a time,  as brother .    . .     no,  never .    . .   ,  just other than as already uncertain moments-completed-brotherhood-established throne or kingdom or business world,  and at the same time,  they want to make sure somehow and very strangely that the specific brother who lost the opportunities to the established throne or equivalent business and commercial law related rights and unknown power .    . .     , must continue as he was before  .    . .    , without moneys .   . .    , and one more, no threat to future monarchy or future business world.   
In order to do that, it is or may be estimated that people of some past Nazi history did not do it directly,  however,  acknowledged certain stolen business accomplishments or work in progress and made each list at a time,  to become merchandise name or different brand name work of corporation only at the various store [1.].,  politically wanted to confuse the law of each country boundary line and each employment and labor law under some certain sovereign law and throne like each objective-power-one-each-time, if not each throne like each objective power one at a time [2.].   And one of them was even,  door lock break time in and out at the time of grocery shop only or time-of-appointment-only,  and more .    . .   , in the country boundary lines of one other different ethnic background people.   Room .    . .     , different .    . .    ,   was me Microsoft Corporation Vice president,  Mr. Steve Balmore said as interesting catch .    . .   ,  sorry .   . .    , one time before to the television conference like time,  as related with two others or possibly Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Warren Buffett.
They or Nazi did not and do not respond to law suits supposedly [3.].   Microsoft Corporation by the Vice President,  Mr  Steve Balmore was similar,  doing television conference only,  instead of the website and webpage mention,  like this.   He said supposedly that webpage will be later.   Consequently,  instead of commercial law or corporation law based law suit,  some uncertain concluded reason or logic and thought is that certain business world must know how to write specific law-suit-equivalent-webpage in the specifically required method and manner,  instead of corporation attorneys they not work-use-as--legal-work other than interferences against boundary line works .   . .     , and more,  like prevention within the boundary lines instead of no records whatsoever.   I want to question if Microsoft Corporation history caused and at the same rate,  fashion certain judgement of facts like these and more,  to require prevention-tips-ordinary-caution-progress among many commercial law business ownership lists.   
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The certain criminal Law related rumor-fact-possible-progress about Microsoft Corporation, Time Life Music, 700 Club, and more others are or may be as follow. There are additional more other names. However, due to uncertain personal flaw legally for convenience not only and either factually only or actually only, appreciation interrelated help and prevention of lawsuit should and/or ought to be applied into different numbers of other figures or names.

Some charge . . . , no . . . , amount of complaint . . . and charge can be that Microsoft Corporation, by certain rumor-possible-work-requirement manners or method only, purchased certain investment equivalent small business-world interrelated stock-equivalent-restaurant menu or specific lists of merchandise items of MacDonald, Whataburger, Burger King, and some-regional monetary-interest-capable and appreciation or gratitude only intended or interrelated Wal-Mart and Sam's Club only intended and related part of State Texas economy no and never, yet never looked down, refusal-possible, and at the same time, denial-difficult-appreciation-workload or work type of security management work lists everywhere. Again, Microsoft Corporation and protection interest intended lists of others purchased only each of those non-commercial investment value non-stock-item lists.

After that, rumor-possible-actual-currency use was many time or all the time, Microsoft Corporation gave each of the owners somewhere between times two and times four. Times two over its ownership means success probably. So, many owners agreed to make some uncertain commercial transaction each time, as one way of getting certain monetary-gain-value or its worth.

Difference of problems became discovered, however. Many government offices, and/or work related people throughout the State Texas who may or may not include the Supreme Court Judge Ruth Badger and others did something similar the other way, as if to say thank in a way, like one out of three, 1 out of 2 only, about three of four, and more. However, some other different and immigration ethnic background people of different other states did not, could not, and/or will not do it in comparison with all the other people.

Instead, they wanted or needed certain helps of how to settle amounts of moneys that especially Microsoft Corporation gave before. It means that they did not want to lose times two no or approximately times three like whatever-irresistible-amount . . . , and give back the amount of moneys to Microsoft Corporation and say . . . , like We are sorry that certain business transaction is not possible.

So, what they did was that they wanted to please Microsoft Corporation . . . , and work some repeatition of imitation-look-of-superior related with each of their own business ownership . . . , No . . . , never at all. They wanted to spend times and moments to indicate that they were superior to ask for free service, freely volunteered like amounts of free-service, and some shared knowledge of personal acquaintance . . . , as if each person is closely related superior . . . , over someone or me by the name of Light True who purchased their merchandise item one time or restaurant menu times before.

Two some famous or not famous history names who can be responsible possibly . . . , as evidence no . . . , yet famous enough . . . , can be two sons from possible family lines of the president, Mr. Woodraw Wilson . . . , and the certain caucacian background wife of one possible husband from possible family line of the president Abraham Lincoln.

And the argument may be said as these. What chosen people of God . . . , family line related benefit, interest, and lists of fact not only . . . , actual and real blessing from God . . . , have you . . . , and can you transfer from your Microscope DNA religion family line analysis . . . , into any other specific DNA family group or ethnic background people group(s.) analysis? Why does it not show as look alike . . . , will anyone say the question . . . , as certain potential possibility?

If it is about the president, Mr. Woodraw Wilson and his family line, two sons or gentlemen from the family line can not and must not be acknowledged to be at least, State Texas citizens anywhere or possibly everywhere . . . , by uncertain possible fact that these no . . . , other than those two gentlemen of one other different state . . . , say that they can treat anyone and the personal values or values like property of the person . . . , under supervision-consideration-employee-duty lists that they can add. They can say any one of State Texas citizens can be looked and checked and legally looked away or down with or without apology, like privacy diverse list possible consideration as investigation or supervision-intended-knowledge give away. It is their tribe of Judah community county law one time only . . . , no possibly. Consequently, to deny and exclude them toward official Microscope DNA analysis and challenge-possible-comparison should be better . . . , like some person said history before, as like I think they tell us to leave them alone as some chosen . . . , folk no . . . , many people of God . . . , and at least, one or two cities, if not State and more.

The family line of the president Abraham Lincoln must be similar except that one or two or at least, upto two ancestors if parent-father and the immediate son were in times of war . . . , against rebels of Mexico whom Mexico said then, as like Don't tell anyone . . . , it's civil war . . . , just conflict . . . , NO WAR ! ! !, as indicated there inside motion picture narrative, as lists of significant meaning. Otherwise, the family line of the president Abraham Lincoln should be only citizens of Austin, Texas possibly who give four time chances possibly.

Otherwise, all two family lines of the president Woodraw Wilson with two sons of the family line and the president Abraham Lincoln with some wife of one gentleman, are not qualified to work employment-duty-supervusion-law related power of law enforcement . . . , under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil boundary line related requirement work and later, laws. All these two family lines who were paid somewhere from two to three times somewhere rough about can and must give away whatever negotiation-not-possible . . . , certain investment equivalent small business-world interrelated stock-equivalent-restaurant menu or specific lists of merchandise items . . . , unless they can give things away from inside their pocket . . . , toward whatever-required-transaction-equivalent amount or capable amount.

At the same time, Microsoft Corporation related possible names of persons, like Mr. Joseph Gates and his wife should, and/or ought to be judged as foreigner citizens outside the State Texas who should not and must not have solicited sovereign-power-free-service work amount against . . . , the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil boundary lines related requirement . . . , easy behavior as easily capable law. The known lists of behavior-record(s.) of Microsoft Corporation may need to, and should become . . . , sovereign-power-free-service or work amount indicated requirement-type-enemy against both the president Abraham Lincoln and the person here, by the name Light True, thanks.


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I, Light True, take swear of fact(s.) that statements within this immediate area of paragraphs or text(s.) make, form, and/or establish, and are or can be judged to be fact(s.) and truth(s.), to the best of my knowledge of oath.  So, God help me and make this requirement and appropriateness of judgement to happen, as it is sworn appropriately, faithfully, honorably, spiritually, and very factually toward, and/or about sovereign governments, branch or branches, and/or power that shall, may, will, must immediately, and can be very quickly without whatsoever sovereign or not sovereign limitations, like any and all possible and/or sovereign limitations, from the history before, as broadcasted or recorded to any one of China Hong Kong related history television audience intended series of record(s.).  Today date is the first business day or Monday, May 20, 2024.  

Formally before, Constitution of United Countries Of Byzantine by upto four men who came to some two country boundary lines of one Chosun . . . No, never . . . , one Jeheeya Nation, prior to the year 1787, as under assumption.

It begins at this time, like as The Constitution of The United States of America.  Downloaded and copied from www.senate.gov, some part of the United States of America Constitution Laws are interpreted from Byzantine history before, and www.fox44news.com and one more, some people of San Antonio, Texas may be able to confirm the truth or truths at least.   Ten Amendments came from mostly one of two Byzantine countries.  One more Amendment was added before 1787 related possible travel.  Otherwise, ten Amendment laws of Byzantine should be confirmed history facts partly and more with or by past eras of television motion picture broadcast or the times of this specific eras.


Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution is the world's longest surviving written charter of government. Its first three words ---"We The People"--- affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens [or churches and their future family members who are expected to become congregation under the New Testament History Bible and book, also.].

Before he enter on the Execution of his office, he shall take the following oath of Affirmation:--- "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States .   . .    ,  . . . [that we, one of the other Byzantine country boundary lines usually pronounce and do, as if it is manner of conversation,. . . . as compared to the other who says .   . .    ,   about one paragraph length of description, like the Constitution of the United States of America . .    . [E. G.  One paragraph equivalent length of grammar continues, as Yahweh Yahweh one true Gods and one true Lords says.].].


Amendment I.  

Byzantine will make no law that respect an establishment of deity or majesty, government office or actual government across and at the other side of one other country boundary lines other than, as it should be within each of two country boundary lines only .    . .     , like respectively.   


Amendment II.  

As the security for each of two Byzantine country boundary lines is necessary, right of each people to make and take advantage of arms or weapons must not be excluded in thought, as YHWH YHWH the only true God knows this truth as the facts.


Amendment III.

No soldier or soldiers of Byzantine shall stay in the area of citizens within one other country boundary line across and at the other side, like in peace time and one more, at progress of war also, in order to be politely appropriate enough.


Amendment IV.

The right of each people to be secure personally as each person, house, papers, and more should not be worked out by any soldier of one Byzantine country boundary line across or against any citizen of another Byzantine country boundary line.  Search and seizure can not be reasonable.


Amendment V.

No person of two country and one nation Byzantine shall be indicted .    . .   , no .    . .     , guilty of whichever one crime of two Byzantine country laws at the same time, unless the requirement of jury from each of two country boundary lines make any necessary judgement that charges the specific crime or guilts against the charged or indicted person.  


Amendment VI.

Each citizen of Byzantine who is charged of any crime must be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to become required to make notice or careful records of how the other may make accusation, and more toward intellectual, and/or emotional cognition of reality, toward more appropriately required evidences, if required with counsel.


Amendment VII.

Any small business ownership equivalent amount of commercial worth and/or value may require against any avoided or prevented or one country boundary only intended law suit related claim, and/or contentment, toward fair and  speedy trial of two country boundary lines consistent, and/or appropriate jury.


Amendment VIII.

As two countries know federal crime charge related interest, by means of excessive bail amount or law suit cost, law suits with or by two country citizens of jury must not become discouraged.  Excessive or unusually discouraging amount of fine, and/or result of cruel and unusual punishment must not become law suit end result(s ).


Amendment IX.  

The rights of the Constitution, and/or citizens or every citizen at the end of law suit must not deny or negate, and/or diminish each or every citizen of the other country boundary line.


Amendment X.

Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and more not shared near area of ghost haunting site perhaps possibly, if not delegated by the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.



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No person was or may be born to the throne of king or next to the throne of the king, especially as brother who may or may not work the competition for one thought .    . .    , to work the competition really for the second thought.   They said we or .    . .     , families no .   . .    , whoever they were needed to be controlled.   It was certain each testimony somewhere eras before.  If something about millions of dollars and more .    . .     , Nazi made up this kind of accusation .    . .   , no .    . .     , land of opportunities or pursuit of financial dreams comparable .    . .    , stories, no .   . .     ,.  power only to make government,-chase-pursuit and made apologies possibly .    . .    ,   as brother who was getting ahead of competition toward certain throne .   . .     ,   or each sovereign power of government objectives needed to steal .    . .     , or get certain objective throne near around corporation - [1].

They also did certain claimed power of ethnic complaint, as acquitted or limitedly permitted anything.  However, it was certain isolated rural success basis .    . .     , with more cities like success elsewhere, and they took possibly entire floors of one or two numbers inside government bldg., and some times  later they were related with certain question that may indicate similarly or alike elsewhere at one other webpage content.  And the question was or is that do they just do military occupation law of World War I .   . .    ,   and World War II .    . .     , telling us that nothing is happening, as and by manner of conversation style, amount of law enforcement, style of molested repartition, and more - [2].

We are the people who want to make and live the country boundary law of New Testament history bible.  By now and as it should be, we know arrest without citation or warrant was made against spiritual majesty-teacher and millionaire-prophet whose name was Jesus Christ God of many miracles and the certain High Priest Lord of blameless atonements at the same time.  The other people believed, trusted, and worked arrest without citation or warrant not only, its arrest proved or testify at this time of corporation law, what legal manner corporation law power and government offices can do toward or against anyone who can be millionaire or billionaire, some New York times 10 -20 best seller comparable professional expertise lists, and more - [3].  

With or without evidence directly indicated to the private citizens who are not government employees, Microsoft Corporation made contribution news or records of what kidnap without printed out citation or written warrant can be supposedly.  People who practice kidnap or just conversation related amounts and also, time without printed out citation or written warrant .    . .     , can, may, and will prove at least indirect times and amount of conversation about the specific person whom they want to make chase-pursuit or after repartitions, door lock break time ins and outs, as report of webpage(s)., past eras before.  Again, kidnap or requested amount repeatition of conversation and time length of record were directly related with door lock break time ins and outs and one more, the other way to death.  They were Nazi ethnic background people .   . .    , no .    . .    ,.   lists of Nazi ethnic background and one broad group.  One of them was possibly at this time, some possible family of some Mr. Woodraw, like recorded with Navy Admiral Nelson only hopefully - [4].  

All these records must be proportionally distributed or shared into the charges of Criminal laws, and the question must be asked faithfully .    . .     ,   no, never.  And the question is that every time when the other people do the previous lists of 1, 2, 3, and 4 only .    . .    No,  not at all .    . .     ,   4 unscrewed center-wheel-nut numbers included, .    . .   , Autozone employee gentleman said .    . .   , if secret .   . .    , no .    . .     , strange no.  The past eras of webpage search engine results may prove to be consistent .    . .    , or appropriate if anyone did work for the same or similar objective work result before .    . .    , and through times please, say .    . .     , then the question of strange no must be all time important legal weight hopefully .    . .   , next to Navy Admiral Nelson of World War I and World War II  history related record before.  Strange no .   . .    , again .    . .     , is important question and answer at this time of era permanently - [5].


Strange no based endless questions not only, door lock break time ins and outs, and more, like arrest or amount of conversation and length of time that must be given away, no ethnic complaint emphasis based military occupation law possible investigation-possible-yet-constantly-stealing must, and/or should consent that lists of records with or by 1, 2, 3, 4,  and 5 must and/or can communicate from now on, investigation-possible-yet-constantly-stealing under and with each state Executive Government Laws and under each of their National Guard Military works.  Whoever is not and can not be appropriate with bank account comparable logic and reason as method or manner of conversation should be condemned like so and so and judged at the same time, possibly by Navy Admiral Nelson related record before.  

The conclusion based approach and new manner of government conversation related investigation work should ask question and answer why each investigation-possible-yet-constantly-stealing can not and must not be appropriate, especially as related with Criminal law procedure and one more, one God and Holy Bible related record about each sworn oath of facts, please.   

YHWH YHWH the only true Godz, and Yahweh Yahweh one true Gods and one true Lordz knows all these.


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Whoever doth not [E. G. . . . does not and do not . . . John Wick said possibly before.]., understand and perceive the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil related boundary line requirement to testify and at each time and as repeatition, prove life of country boundary line requirement, religion boundary line limitation requirement, and more may or may not have eternal life judgement . . . , and at the same time, possible percentage of no eternal life judgement indication related judgement words and punishment.

All possible future Plaintiffs and Defendants of sovereign records or government order claimed arguments must be able to indicate and display comparison lists of judgement analysis, like [1]. Indication of lie or lies about fact., [2]. Any certain power of lie or lies that one person could have used., [3]. Certain sovereign power of lie or lies that one person or the same person could have used before., between some Plaintiff and one other Defendant, especially between one country boundary line citizen of Byzantine and one other country boundary line citizen of Byzantine.

Indifference . . . , no . . . , certain indication of lies, any inappropriate power, especially certain sovereign power of lies, and non-existent-difference between your pocket and my pocket, inside bldg., security or business management of your location address and my location address only, and your car there in your parking lot only and my car elsewhere, and more means that like every business owner may agree, one comparison judgement results about indication of lie or lies, any power of lies, and certain power of lies that became indicated and displayed, especially between one country boundary line citizen and one other country boundary citizen ought to become judged and punished. At this time of records, the family line of the president Abraham Lincoln who was related with some treasury department work expertise of genius, along with more others, still do not and did not extend the blessed awe, and/or honor of himself to his own family generations. At this time only, the family line of the president Abraham Lincoln is common and is not chosen, as it may be stated and said as knowledge of sworn oath of fact(s)., that the entire tribe of Judah after about 1600 separation years between one Byzantine country boundary line and one other Byzantine country boundary line, still continue to be common people of Judaism religion God some times . . . , no possibly . . . , and not the chosen people of God other than as some groups of counties as many numbers. This is what Yahweh Yahweh one true Lords and one true Gods says, as my records only, unless anyone or the tribe Judah people of God, yet common people of churches and a lot more can indicate and display the legal facts about some indication of lie, certain power of lie or lies after one or two time conversations only, and even sovereign power of government not only, from the news of Major Hasan in Ft. Hood army military base within the State Texas before, sovereign power of military law also.

Consequently, citation or warrant comparable lines of communication to say, record, and check must be about [1]. Some indication of lie by or from anyone., [2]. Certain power of lies., and [3]. Certain sovereign power of government and/or as appropriately indicated before, military laws.

The first ten Amendment laws of Byzantine history before did not come from one country boundary line related people, like the State Virginia supreme court judge Locke and the president Abraham Lincoln who were thought to be from families of apostles within the New Testament holy bible. Will you . . . , and you can you help us or many people to understand that how you can legally indicate and display some required facts of and about some indication of lie, power of lies, and any limited or not limited sovereign power of lies?

Did not the President Woodraw Wilson confirm after the second election that his family background was humbly from gypsy family history that included red clothes, and Admiral Nelson related war time history recorded the fact that some people of humble background wanted to make things right somehow on the second time, if not on the third or the fourth occasions?

The tribe Judah related people or power of American laws can not claim to do search and seizure or investigation of door lock break time ins and outs without appropriate reason, since the times of two Byzantine country boundary lines related history at least. And some family of the president Abraham Lincoln, one or two Mr. Woodraw from possible family line of the president Woodraw Wilson, and more like apostle family history are included. Do not waste one other country boundary line and related people toward their times and personal moments . . . , with each slow or no response at all progress repeatitions of . . . , [1]. Some lied indication of lie., [2]. Certain use of power in the country boundary line of one other different ethnic group or history people., and [3]. Certain use of sovereign power of government, and/or military law or free-work-times in the country boundary lines of one other different ethnic group or history. Microsoft Corporation does not belong to the State Texas people related ethnic group, and/or history. If you say you are some tribe Judah common or not common people of God, and chosen people of God also . . . , can you, people of one or two Mr. Woodraw and one or two persons of some majesty enlargement no and factually the family line from the president Abraham Lincoln only possibly practically or at the same time, legally indicate and display that how some or all tribe Judah people of God . . . , shall, may, will, can very quickly, and must be immediately judged to be chosen people of God only . . . , and not, never some common people who talk about desire to use some rank of other people and their related pockets and their times or at least, times of someone somewhere at specific location, with certain currency value inside car or home, and more toward their developments later.

Microsoft Corporation or Mr. Joseph Gates and his wife, one or two Mr. Woodraw, and one or two persons within the family, and/or marriage related facts about the family line of the president Abraham Lincoln should be suspected, and/or charged with stolen merchandise possible theft of any free-service-result-claim from any citizen of million dollar possible estimated requests, search and seizure related majesty enlargement repeatition in the country boundary lines of one other different ethnic group history, either arrest or conversation and interrelated amount of work results without citation or warrant, and door lock break time in and out interrelated shape or formation against any citizen, like toward arrest without citation or warrant, and more like work amount comparable conversation or arrest without citation or warrant . . . no . . . , slavery of and into military deployment from certain claim of the President not yet, other than Abram Lincoln. www.fox44news.com may or may not be able to confirm slavery of military deployment work times about the history of Civil War before. Since then, sudden, forceful, and out of nowhere wake up near around some war time progress of other countries happened into the history of World War I, World War II, and some Vietnam War.