III computer crime laws with Mr. William (E. G. Bill.) Gates can be perceived, and/or recognized as subsequent no charge, yet real as Act of Godz or Gods. People of Vietnam knew him as with the report that indicated no computer operating system must be made or created, as it is time waste. He was judged to be one citizen of war time defeated nation or country from England. As he lived in France for some time and made Statue of Liberty to exist then, like as it was typical for any church of England or Catholicism Christians who were previously known to do or accomplish similar matter from their television report, he was required to get married with Mrs. Melinda, a previous citizen of Hiroshima and more in Vietnam. To them, Mr. William Gates was not the person who made or created the Computer operating System(s.) . . . , No . . . , no was rude with moneys and more later. At this time, all Windows upgrade history is believed to have been with whatsoever Operating improvement upgrade, like ever since then.
Not only, only DOS does Operating Improvement as one task at a time that includes Accounting. That is why it is known, as it is the word of God at the time of some inflicted death from Nagasaki or Uk-rain-eeahn related difficult hints only in Farmers Branch, Texas before supposedly.
Knowledge calculation of either some amount that belongs to someone else's . . . , or the knowledge that is ownership of someone else's . . . , ought to not, and/or must not become transferred especially, if not become known against certain ritual recognition.
Any knowledge or one of properties ought to not, and/or must not become any record crime, like with or without money counts related judgement consideration as included.
No knowledge or any one of the properties must become any crime of ownership imitation at all. This is the word of Godz, like from Spirit of Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz.
God is man. Man is man, as well. Each and every man ought, and/or must be treated with respect and honor also.
Garden of Eden boundary line law(s.)., related death judgement may and can become required by God, as witness and explanation into testimony or judgement.
Every Garden of Eden law is related with bankruptcy possible circumstance[(s).], like Garden of Eden Bankruptcy family boundary line laws must not happen, and more, etc.
Each Garden of Eden Law must be treated with respect and not with greed beyond, like boundlessly, especially in this last age.
Door lock break time ins and outs especially, not to mention one time only mafia-style-check-and-hurt[s.] of interferences that indicate certain desire to know knowledge amounts of someone else's privacy as commercial knowledge amount[s.] of professional expertise, instead of someone else's, is prohibited. With or without any bankruptcy indicated check(s.), Garden of Eden boundary line indicated death judgement can be appropriately done. It is the word of Godz or Gods, as from Spirit of Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz, the Creator Godz of All invisibles.
The only words that they indicate or say must be, like . . . , .
You are not each specific list or person, and/or area of one boundary line (E. G. official.) law requirement . . . , comparable with the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil stay off, and/or out within the boundary line requirement law(e. g. Law or laws.). Therefore, I will approach where you are and do the knowledge calculation of amount that you think only you do.
You are not clearly identified typical model citizen of one boundary line requirement country . . . , like and such as not and never more than me . . . , like and such as not . . . , or never against me . . . , that's why.
You are not expectedly one of federal government Ally Citizenship citizens like me . . . , because I have been here long enough for history year counts . . . , and my family is more.
You have at least one of these three charges, and yes, I may and will do whatever knowledge amount as and into calculation the way you do, as the same, and I need to know how my knowledge as calculation is or can be comparable with yours.
Education expenses are costly . . . , and way beyond too expensive although people learn nothing other than about the garden stuff . . . they wrote. However, we need to make moneys. It was her other crime, as she pretended to be one of our citizens or people.
All federal verdict or crimes . . . , No, Never . . . , other than felonies they said here in Texas and Colorado . . . , ask did you what was Satan . . . , or what Satan did you this time . . . , they asked before.
It did not many hours or times to indicate that a person did or does anything like majesty equal matter and more.
They simply asked what satan she did and swore that she did not commit one of typical money categories related some intentional and objective satanic . . . , or malicious no, not . . . , was rude . . . , they said.
Some famous mother and the woman with . . . before, yet much distant separately now, somehow toward . . . wanted to make some alike, and/or similar claim(s), like and such as by some possible observation from [e. g. CRIME.] MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT CITY IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION supposedly.
The woman is evil by the description as follow. She has no religion history or how scary a person and/or people must be, and certain mannerism to accomplish and do things from way to recogniz and make wisdom to complete or finish like so and so, as from the typical Identification of woman history within the history of judaism . . . No, Never . . . just other than Gods she knew as woman and some behavior . . . no, yet . . . [the.] certain formed behavior that she did, like and as woman of God, yet toward . . . no . . . just other than for the culture of women and men just insist or like.
Again she has no religion history that she does with us,, certain woman history, and some replicated and/or duplicated behavior of not even family manner, like and as if into or against public manner or some-explanation-possible-family-manner-yet-public-decision-manner-strength, otherwise to be easy, family or family-tree-history-factual-manner from history, and/or known history before.
Again, the woman is evil and lacks . . . No, possibly . . . she refuses to indicate and/or duplicate religion history, certain woman history, and family-tree-history that she does not have with us . . . into suddenly out of nowhere and for no cause, without some explanation, and/or cause, indicated-majesty-conversation-manner-repeatitition-and-power-results-sovereignly and says that the word woman did certain power of knowledge and majesty, and that the word iudah did certain power of majesty and rank result, as from though not related, and the word family or constitution has power to do knowledge or crime, and she keeps asking people to become tricked by any word of mother or majesty or religion or family history, and more. Some rank equivalent power that the woman did or does should be expectedly recorded forever and permanently as majesty-abomination-crime that must be made to not exist, yet repeatedly worked some of my favorite knowledge and money progress or any one of those progresses you knew in the name of woman many times . . . and claimed family bond or at least, familiar religion . . . not, never delayed and some communication required vision okay.
The mother and the woman is expected or estimated to be from family history of interracial marriage background and more. It is why the government and hopefully each military nationwide will know how to indicate appropriate conversation records of each religion history, each woman history, and each broad family history . . . at least as interferences and blocks that will resist and replace what is rank equivalent behavior or majesty possible work result only . . . by anyone who is famous and known, yet out of nowhere or no cause, I'm-sorry-just-moments-without-reason-or-explanation-background history before to have pay rate work or merely certain background-money-history-before.
Again the mother is not MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT CITY. However, her family tree history this kind of background before, and she came from some Russian mafia Army or at this time possibly, Ukrainian and little Russia what do I do Mafia Armies. She was and/or became known to her people supposedly and famous as some misconfigured young woman of the cultural background who disrobed her clothes completely and suddenly out of nowhere and caused her husband to be later touch and lay his hand on top of her forehead and head. And at the time, she insisted supposedly by the words or appearances of each different person and people later, that she spoke somehow and insisted that she wanted him to have marriage with her. Time to time, she told or indicated that she did not have any clothes.
It must be the fact that later, her marriage was turned out to be with one of twelve apostles or one of three family lines from the King David . . . ,
although I tell people or her now that if . . . , to whoever adds against the gate of New Jerusalem related government law or laws, and/or religion, God will add the plagues that are written in the book of Revelation . . . , and that to whoever takes away from or against this gate of New Jerusalem that indicated any law of Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz will not and can not have [the.] share to the tree of life.
Even if the woman claims her family line is now closely related to the family line of the Apostle Andrew we like she will and may have those two punishments or the judgement of any war time progress and interim, again certain greek war time word, the interim progress of the War.
The woman must have death sentence. If anyone must not, and/or can not agree whoever it is or they are may be okay to prove this by means of any marriage with the woman who must have death sentence.
At the same time, it is not possible to prove more favor to woman or beautiful woman and some money related knowledge or the knowledge instead of God.
Whoever proves more interest than me . . . , he said . . . , can die as or like disciples. Some early students or people like students can be another thoughts.
Garden of Eden Bankruptcy prohibited each bankruptcy boundary line law must be easy to stay away. Whoever does rank equivalent work result, and/or result of knowledge only or work result only will be judged because Garden of Eden each bankruptcy law was already easy to recognize at the place of the number one.
Whose does or indicates door lock break time ins and outs of knowledge shame collection or rank equivalent knowledge collection only must be punished the other way by some many famous Garden of Eden bankruptcy laws that many people know or knew already.
It is done. Jesus Christ who does gods and the Lord who does the Savior gods said as ancient time history record of those invisibles who knew and more.
It is factually permitted, allowed, and consented . . . No, Never . . . other than that whoever it is and whoever they are . . . No, . . . however, if anyone can be sworn into the tribe of Judah people or any other equivalent people background in favor or more favor against me, us, our church background belief, personal judgement(s.), and others . . . again, instead of our God, such as and like at this website[s]., then, . . .
whoever it is each at a time can say sworn oath of fact and truth sworn to Yahweh Yahweh the Most High God and the Lord . . . with brief mention, and/or equivalent record(s.) that indicate no faithfulness, and/or loyal mind or more, and/or tranquility related honor(s.), etc., toward any entity or others that may include, but not limited to, such as and like Godz of the tree angel, the United States of America Governments without upto four signees or signatures to the United States of America Constitution Document in order to be more faithful, and/or loyal to the other side of the people and more, YHWH YHWH El Shadai of three churches only instead of four churches, state Oregon, state Louisiana, state Vermont, and more others, etc.,
without all sovereign and possible limitations in, and/or before the presence of four empire history Gods and/or Godz and more.
May Godz, [E. G. and/]or Gods of any sworn honor judge and give what is fairness to all our people[(s).] everywhere. AMEN !
One day, a mother gave a small navy telescope design imitation reminded toy to one child.
To me, it was smart. He said may be. How can it be this much smart. He thought. I can look outside the window, as I hide underneath down there. He reasoned or was told, like so and so to him only.
One day, he understood the design of the submarine telescope that can extend from under the surface of water and outside the land area can be examined very carefully to protect perhaps and help, also. And it was very smart. He was not, however, the same, other than to be able to request or make pleas to Godz toward something else.
After many more years later, he reasoned and understood again that the discoveries of the navy telescope, as smart as it was, may, can be known and understood by way or manner of experience or experience[s.] related moment(s.) only.
And that was how computer hard disk and many more others, like inside Computer Operating System related common tasks and more others became possible and invented. Spirit of Yahweh Yahweh, Creator Godz of all invisibles explained them . . . No, Never . . . it to me, like at this time.
All people everywhere at the church or churches can explain . . . no, however . . . they can believe the facts that All computer operating systems are programs . . . and not or never . . . free give away, . . . like less than computer word processor and the Computer Accounting Programs, it was just made . . . and we can add things . . . by, and/or from the published noble claims.
It means that All Computer Operating Systems and more, such as and like all the other less programs, batch files, and more that are less than All master computer operating systems may, can, and if governments around can and will agree then, again all those computer programs and more others may, can, shall, must, and will become explained and very limitedly interpreted by only one comparison related similarities between some submarine design reminded underneath water surface use of telescope . . . and one more, at least, Microsoft Windows design consistency of too many upgrade compatibility competitions exclusively against each other only.
And one more, Microsoft upgrade competition of its own improvement repeatition fails again, again, and again at least three times or additionally more . . . and the people does not or do not, and will not indicate how Microsoft Windows picture-icon menu as All Computer Operating Systems and the lists of masterpieces like programs lists, like Credit Card transaction[(s.)]., capable device that can become connected to Android Operating System 2 and more, like PC or [The.]., desktop Operating System, and others . . . No and Never
. . .
merely, and/or just one Windows commercial Design and not engineered design use did not only, does not and do not, and will not say commercially by published means that Windows can help you to use all those Disk, and/or desktop Operating System related accounting program and more, like and such as the .txt generator Word Processor, and more others, like and such as the credit card transaction hardware, and other keyboard, and more.
If a Corporation or any corporation can claim to use some sovereign power of military especially or governments and the militaries then, . . . whoever it is or whoever they are can, should, and will be able to explain some conversation language manner easy like legally only one explanation, and/or only comparison(s.) between the certain navy design use reminded telescope and . . .
more, like and such as All lists of each Microsoft Windows Upgrades and its valid qualification to upgrade from some previous claim between equality DOS operating Systems and equality Windows Operating System(s.).
Only if a Corporation or any corporation or the Microsoft Corporation will require then, they can give three more other easy to understand conversation manner like each legal explanation, and/or each legal comparison more than just one navy design related telescope use of a corporation conversation style easy and some comfortable manner reflected and at the same time, indicated some four time sworn oaths as, and/or into or possibly additionally by each sworn oath of the facts.
Only one million dollar mandatory exchange requirement lawsuit is written as the word of God's or Elohim and request, also.
K E c 1
Ultra sound was fast spin whirl wind like type of tooth brush . . . No, . . . at first.
However, it became some advanced type and more with my advanced he said before. I will try to write what he wrote no other than what he indicated before.
Ultra sound from there was soft, like tooth brush. He thought at first. However, it changed more coarsely somehow toward weapon use like something. It became penetrating somehow. That was Minot AFB and more, like West Virginia UkrainianG immigrants possibly before.
Otherwise, the first invention of the Ultra Sound related thought was as follow. He said possibly.
The first was its arrangement or tooth brushes of Oral-B electronic (indicated.) one specification only intended design or arrangement. How from there, can there be penetrating thought of body sound and more . . . very rudely and commercially somehow.
After that, it became remote control somehow . . . No, it's rude . . . because it was possible already in lab into some form of Bluetooth similar other signal.
And they changed it. They possibly combined it with gun sound and more. It was what my parent Daed said back then, as I overhearded it somehow.
It means threat and more. How, did they think the electronic tooth sound can be combined into gun or more other different combinations. I thought. They said. Or he said.
Oral-B was arranged into form of square, yet corner only at each angle of four, toward diamond shape at first. And it became thirty three one row.
That's it. Someone wrote. Or actually I wrote. He reasoned it there in one apartment complex of two bedrooms in Irving, Texas back then. People thought it was Ukrainian ethnic background only people related communities and more at the time.
After one row, he rotated it this time and made it to become square-shape only, instead of diamonds-like-one-row-arrangement. Some forties continued. There he combined it with different other direction-and-angle-formed new arrangement by the third sequence after the square-shape-arrangement(s).
Again, legally the first shape was diamonds-like-one-row-arrangement or diamond-corners-of-four-into-its-shape [E. G. or its appearance.], and after that, it was square-shape-arrangement instead of the one before, and after that it was triangular-ones-toward-needed-angle-adjustment. After that, remote control was complete . . . No, however . . . ready somehow.
Then, how or where did the penetrating sound of electronic waves or signals come from? Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz testified to me that it came from silent one or silent type gun model. It was what Ukrainian people must have used it at the time and combined somehow.
All sounds, and/or separately ultra sound are or can be transfered, and/or made to be able travel from its [e. g. possible electronic waves of sound or as form of waves into anything useful commercially perhaps, however, . . .] imitation, very forcefully toward fire or fire signal like uncertain length of various string knots of syllable-sound-of-fire-possible-rhythm-imitation.
I tried to do this one time somewhere at Regency Inn within the Eastern State of Tennessee. And after that, it became stolen or mysteriously disappeared from the rental car that I had from Hertz. At the same time, I could confirm may be DNA geography indicated analysis of the city by the name of Salisbury, North Carolina. Our people here in the State Texas should be able to identify it.
Otherwise, the fact possible theory or work at this time is this. There may be list of things that can destroy damage-result-likely-effects-of-ultra-sound-signals. However, actual fire can be time waste and slow, if ultra sound equipment is real and must be used.
And there can be two or more possible methods to imitate or electronically generate sound waves of fire or natural fire. 1. One is know how to make or resonate rhythm of electronic fire signals into one string with various knots of about four. However, its sound strength may be weak or limited.
2. If that is the case then, rope with knots may have to be used as its duplication instead of string with about four knots that can imitate. It will not amplify the fire signal. Yet, its strength of sound loudness will increase.
This may and should be the only method of how to destroy ultra sound signals that can harm your car electronic board somewhere. I give. Again, Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz testified. And I wrote facts about how the fire signal may and can become duplicated by either signals from fire pit into the certain recorder . . . or electronically somehow. Please, help this. Thank a lot.
If I should give some hint about both string knots imitation and rope knots imitation it is difficult. It was the miracle from Godz, please. It means whoever wants to do this must make efforts to do this likely all on strings knots and rope knots. Or else, it must be the electronic one.
Ultra Sound that was transmitted and sent via laser equipment may have to be destroyed by actual fire shrewdly somehow. Please, sue them. Whoever they are and may be.
You may want to know if with fire electronic wave signals you con rule or control those bad invisibles also, at the same time.
K E c 1
I wanted to indicate this webpage content to United States Senators of mr. John Cornyn and mr. Ted Cruz at this time of the year 2025, and more, like toward Veterans Administration in Waco, Texas and others.
Some people started to kEc
damage the properties inside 2412 Skylark Cir, Killeen Texas 76549 at some rented home and house: kEc
please ! And I start to write for the first time on this subject.
The Garden of Eden Bankruptcy possible or legally permitted real estate value(s) is not possible. However, some people thought door lock break time in and out can be possible for certain real estate value related conflict and how long the rent must or can be delayed to lengthen the term of contract possibly . . . , please !
The Garden of Eden Bankruptcy possible military weapon ownership or its copyright ownership beyond is not allowed and permitted. It is or may be their certain thought later. Otherwise at this time, it was about computer operating system related computer upgrades that did not, have not been, and will not or can not improve whatsoever Accounting accuracy, accounting formula increases, and others.
You can reason or question that they did something possibly before, and it may or may not had been about Some Garden of Eden Bankruptcy possible boundary line protection and more against DOS Operating system, as compared to Windows operating System . . . , please !
The Garden of Eden Bankruptcy possible conversation language manner not only, communication or conversation method can not and must not be possible. However, I charge that whoever they are damaged inside the garage Ce1K
at 2412 Skylark Cir, Killeen Texas 76549 . . . , please ! ! ! ! Ce1K
And I require investigation and arrest requests . . . , Please ! ! ! !
He said like to: I'm from the tribeeah Yoda . . . [E. G. one of the people and/or . . }., citizens
(By the name of.) Ally Abraham Lincoln, as mandated or actually required you say, he heard
and as he said under the laws of some founders about 200 years before this time of near
Civil War claim conflicts from the other various people.
Supposedly the president not yet, Abraham Lincoln came for or in behalf of and to
one of three family lines from King David, like via the family line of the virgin Mary
and more, like the only one tribe of Judah prophet Malachi, again beside the Seer
King David and more others before, like the Judge Joshua. After that, somehow,
we had the apostle James, from this family line also.
However, about one or two more other apostles from three family lines of
the King David, only one family line of the apostle John did not serve God of women
or the religion of women, like women who contemplate marriage swears and others,
to follow instruction by or from the presence of Godz around each person who
wanted to have Christmas wish lists.
Otherwise, two family lines of both the apostle Andrew and the apostle James served
and believed in God of women. The family line of the apostle John did not do that.
However, he was one of three family lines from the King David before, along with
the known history . . . no, to the countries in the world . . . the world history at this
time that all people of these three family lines did not have the country boundary line
history as some numbers of repeatition, like by upto 430 years or more, upto 340
years or may be twenty more years, and about 290 years before the establishment of
the United States of America Constitution laws.
Some people of war time conflicts at the times of the history indicated that they knew,
and it was real as the nation that the United States of America was not the same after
three presidents, and two more president after that, who thought that they will never
change with waste of times for two more other additional presidents. And after seven
United States of America Presidents, the other people of war time agreed with
the establishment of one nation. Star Spangled Banner with stripes of four sometime
as four states probably or nine claimed state boundary lines at later times, were
indicated and became known to them at the end of four presidents, also later not only,
again . . . , again . . . , without cease and more, . . . with Bible or
the Holy Bible, like before they said.
And from the times of those seven Presidents through the times of
the President Abraham Lincoln, they used and said to each other, as one of three
military allies of one nation, that they were military ally citizens or the Criminal Laws
of some Ally citizens around the times of the president Abraham Lincoln spiritually
Is Garden of Eden Bankruptcy taxation power or law is possible against one of three
military allies of one nation or possibly one of four military allies of one nation? Is it
reasonable for any country anywhere throughout the world can be required to help
another country or countries by more than reasonable amount of economy or helps
for Garden of Eden Bankruptcy laws so far.
However, they want to secretly indicate that I owe some amounts of moneys or some
computer operating system related helps or tax amounts to them, even though I
know that no computer operating system upgrades of Microsoft Corporation improved
anything. Do you agree that the Garden of Eden Ally military hierarchy conversation
manner exists against its bankruptcy prohibition and history before? Consequently,
they must be made to be cOe
dishonorable, cOe
please ! ! !
About 90% or more populations within the United States of America came from
some various second wife people group culture[(s)] around the world. And they know
or heard possibly, if not watched somewhere on television quality movies, that
the word America was the name of a person at the times of Byzantine history. And
as they people know, two family lines of two or more apostles advocated at the times
of the history that certain intense desire to steal under the desire of many women
may be . . . , can be possible, like to have the conversation possibly or
knowledge itself, like as after result of stealing.
And they permitted indirectly one or two beautiful women or secretly one of them or
armed guards to approach and steal map from one ancestor by the pronounced name
of ee-meh-ree-kuh or the spelled out name America. They allowed this to happen
by means of religion and their undeniable acknowledgement of the beauty in women.
After that, one ancestor by the name America became the target of crime(s) toward
inquiries after inquiries, yet one question after one question like manner[(s.).] only.
And later, one of their and our difficult to tell military securities took him and made
him to die on the cross, again and again with many questions possible about
the stolen map.
And more after that, they approached especially two other family lines whose religion
was to serve God of woman and possibly not women sometime. And they crucified
also. After that, they had certain other conflict with the family line of the apostle
John later supposedly.
Two countries of one empire history Byzantine agreed to become separated after that.
Soon after that, the people who lived in Sabient Land and ate shrimp before and
foxes after that, were about to yield. However, some people somewhere in Asia or
the nation by the name of Jeheeya agreed to invest commercially and more toward
some corporation securities like weapons of canons. And they agreed to sign
the United States of America Constitution law, possibly at the time, the document
that contained some very large blank lines between the United States of America
Constitution and more other lines.
And supposedly later, the founders put the large word Independence, like into
the middle of the document before. And it was certain conflict and conversation
history between the United States of America three Ally citizen peoples of one nation
and the other people who could not end some civil war conflict related conversation.
Is there anyway . . . is it possible how independence can be put . . . how can I find
middle . . . they asked.
Otherwise, the founders or the people who signed to the United States of America
Constitution Law and also, about the Independence of companies between and
among company names and others, included James Livingstone and more others
related with the State Texas, the State Colorado, the State New Mexico, the State
Nevada, and the State Utah that came from one nation in Asia before and the
document, if you have conscience and will do sworn oath of fact(s).
The ancestors before could sign not only, add some blank line word of Independence,
like into some middle of the document. Was this not good from YHWH YHWH the
Most High God and the Lord, and more from Jesus Christ God and the High Priest
who can be like gods not only, do what must be gods indefinitely.
Now, whatever damages inside the homes and houses just in case and more others,
like cars, must be paid off along with sworn oath of fact[(s.)] like records here there.
And we or our people need recovery fees and more from Microsoft Corporation no
upgrade improvement of accounting especially other than color competition
with television sets. We know DOS Operating system has no computer viruses, like
no crime.
We have said before through times and years . . . please,
that the Government office[s.] can require some sovereign power to investigate
Money count related calculation crime reflected swear record.
Money count related record crime reflected swear record.
Money count related ownership imitation crime reflected swear record.
and more . . .
Please, pay to the knowledge of both State Texas Government or each State governmenta and our federal Government offices.
I know I did not replace the refrigerator inside the rented house at 2412 Skylark Cir, Killeen Texas 76549 and more, please.
Windows blinder or sunlight-shutter was another one, and more. I need help, please !
The word Ally, like Ally or ally citizen was used for the first seven United States America presidents. And after that, the President Abraham Lincoln said the word again. They told him that he was qualified to be president one time, as state to state recognition supposedly. About four states were witnesses for the word he used and more, like supposedly.