You are, and/or may be charged with one or two category of laws . . . , No, Never . . . , just other than sovereign rights of, and/or from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil boundaryline requirement laws of just rights . . . , to be everywhere around the Garden of Eden or the secret Garden of God somewhere, like and as sovereign as much as possible till or until and unless the Sovereign God intervenes and limits or says to limit that the Sovereign right to be boundaryline not only, boundaryline requirement nation or country should be expectedly or must be very well enough.
This is sovereign right to be country or nation. There is no, and/or not one person on the planet of the peoples and nations or countries that anyone will and can swear against all those words before, like not even the phrase or term that says the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not truth or real, by the word lists of sworn oath of fact, like and such as without any and/or all sovereign and possible limitations, under God(s) with and/or of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and more, like shall, may, will, must immediately, and can very quickly and more others.
Hence, it is right that intentionally and purposely or somehow unintentionally by certain creation design laws of the Lord Gods who required these nations, and[/or.] countries, you are and may be charged with some interference of and against [the.] rights to be Sovereign nations of each history basis appropriate nation, and/or title, and more, like countries.
You are and may be charged with change or modification of currency value of one nation boundaryline not only, one country, if not one or two county boundarylines within the state Texas that is not one nation yet somehow. You are and may be charged with also change or modification of currency value of each person, like his or her rights, like and such as rights against live stock manner of life treatment and certain personal pocket ownership related rights of each person as citizen. Hence, you are and may be charged with change or modification of personal value or currency value, and more, especially with or without murder progress thought related murder crime result or its analysis.
You are not and can not be expected to be able to change the personal rights or the personal rights of ownerships as lists and more that include, but not limited to, such as and like the Health related progress note or notice and/or if required, certain health related murder crime progress result that must not be expected as any possible murder progress related thought or thoughts.
It means door lock break time in(s.) and out(s.) related times and occasion in behalf of any government or title against all these words and/or record[(s.)], toward any crime, especially crimes, especially honors, and more, like and such as the House of David, the phrase that was added in the times of Saint Luke . . . , No, Never . . . , just other than late secret Byzantine history to be no more eras and others as times, some military general of one boundaryline requirement who rules and does or will work door lock break time in and out of and for intrusion technology increased amount of understanding or knowledge against these records or words. Consequently, some certain rule of impeachment. . . , no . . . , just other than the very certain military hierarchy, federal government offices that is intricated boundaryline requirement power of another people, and more that can be annuled is known as the word of Gods and laws.
The word of God and these implied laws are then, in behalf of some fifty possible state governments and their offices at first and federal government offices later for the nations.
I, Light True, swear that all these words of God or the Hebrew word Gods as translation or Eloheem are true and genuine by me only at this website addresses of https://my-first-websites-of-photos.net and https://www.myfirstwebsitesofphotosandmoretooplease.net as they were written by me. And I am State Texas resident at this time, related with or toward state New Mexico, state Colorado, state Utah, and Nevada possibly at the end.
Again, I swear that all these words are true and laws as the Word of Gods or God also, amen.
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Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 King, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, Jobs, Proverbs, Ezra, Nehemiah, Lamentations, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Enoch, Maccabeh the scripture, Malachi, Psalms, Nahum, Obadiah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes.
[e. g. This was Greek Empire continued efforts like people at the times, along with thirty-three holy bible lists of the Old Testament, when the Byzantine Empire was not yet annuled, and/or became separated into some very early settlers in England and the others there at the corners of the continent in Asia, and/or in Korean Peninsula.].
Septuagint Holy Bible lists in behalf of the Greeks, by many or later all Persians:
The lists are, and/or should be about the same as Christian religion Old Testament Holy Bible lists of thirty nine or 39 scriptures. All beginner Christian faith novices are suggested to read some peaceful 39 Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament Bible. It means no war time.
Roman Empire History Laws related Holy Bible Lists:
Genesis, Numbers no other than chapters limitedly and not partly, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges chapters 1 through 18, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, mostly no and not 2 Kings, Ecclesiaste, Psalm 1 to Psalm 114 and after that, Psalm 119, Psalm 121, Psalm 126, Psalm 142, Psalm 144, and more were not great, yet peaceful, may be along with your four . . . , Seven at the End . . . , like Co NT r I buti o . . . n . . . , as amounts ! [E. G. Psalms 148 No, Noo o oo was Alexander the Great before many history time table ago.], Ecclesiastes, many chapters of Isaiah, more many chapters of Jeremiah, Ezekiel without many end chapters somewhere after chapter 40 with the Temple construction indicated instruction of architecture and/or design, Daniel, about four chapters of [E. G. Hosea.]., and many more verses possibly the prophet Malachi said, Joel about the last days and the Spirit of God who will come in a way negatively with all this Culture unexpectedly, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, and Malachi. Two one I will say. I mean twenty one, and they are books. Sorry, please, I know. They are our books if you are interested. If it is more, I just have add more pages from different parts or chapters . . . , here there you can say.
Romans, Luke, John, Mark end chapter lists, Matthew, Acts, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. They are 27 books. I have more here. It's like seven is okay with you. Otherwise, they are books different from . . . and I give to your usage I hope with the Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord God who saved me!
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One or some limited times or moment about how the Roman Empire laws and not societies became founded in iz . . . , as follow . . . , Please !
History ago then, the Old Testament scriptures were not 39 or 37. Approximate numbers to count the book of the prophets were 10 or ten and they were . . . , not, never . . . , 17 or seventeen.
People thought that the times were ominous or bad feelings, like about how bad people are. And they indicated that they wanted to become at least, the people who can get some progress of judgement reflected and related focus indicated people. After that, about seven scriptures of prophets became added and claimed as canon or the Holy Bible about, and/or of the Old Testament.
About seven books of the prophets became added from the tribes of Judah and Levi then. And they were the scriptures of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and more, like and such as the Book of Lamentation, the book of Ezekiel end chapters by his sons probably not in a way and more, many parts to the letters like book of Hosea some other people wanted to claim after additions and more, such as and like the book of Joel that had truths acknowledged to Jesus Christ God and the Lord who was God similarly, like about the Spirit of God and prophecy only within the pages of the book of Joel and like and such as all the person's who added the Bible to be important to the history, the book of Amos that was consisted of quotations only here there . . . , as no, never . . . , and more in some way. Only one book was turned out to be the scripture . . . , at least because of me he said about the scripture of Malachi. And he was Jesus Christ the Lord centuries later. He indicated that after the fact of indication or books that were fake, he wanted to know then if the Spirit of God will help him somehow.
Numbers of other books of prophets became added from the people of Lot then, also. One of them was Micah which Jesus Christ God and the Lord God condemned, yet said one time and declared it as real somehow. Somehow, I will take he said. About them or if interpreted possibly, two people of Lots, mostly or many or too many of them were real if it was about the book of prophets, like back then.
The book of Deuteronomy came from some people of Lots, and Jesus Christ God and the Lord who was like God and more, as God already somehow limitedly and worse also at different regions, allowed this book.
The book of Exodus or the second was not real. They were not my words. Jesus Christ God, the Lord who was God said. It means the people wrote the scripture as effort in the times of war. All others were similar to be not really scriptures at all. They were like and such, the book of Leviticus before Alexander the Great, like in the times, the book of Numbers just to write and not waste the time at all, like at that occasion, the book of Judges that mentioned about the body to become something as chapters and more that were added at the end, the book of Ruth, the book of Esther, and the book of Job somehow although only some many numbers of many mid chapters were added . . . , were like women origin. Again, those books were women origin from women's point of view or many diverse perspectives. There were the books that were not holy scriptures as women lovers who wanted to listen how women talk, and these books were again, the book of Leviticus, Numbers, Ruth, and Proverbs. After that, different other people[(s.)]., who made into suggestions into holy scriptures existed, like as power in the progress of war time. And they were book of Nehemiah, Ezra the Book, Song of Solomon whose name was probably not Solomon, not at the time of war, like Hanukah, and more.
Numbers of chapters will become corrected about the book of Exodus, and/or Exodus, and more, like Psalms and others. They will be released later. Within Holy Scriptures, the House of David did not and could not have existed, especially in the mind of late Babylonian people who took possessions of very important people as slaves and more, like prophets and others . . . , and very early Medes and Persia History background[(s.)], like and such as these two people knew that the House of David was added to the Holy Bible around the times . . . , no, never . . . , at progress of exile travel, as slaves who ought to confess or acknowledge. That was why the House of David became written, as contest and/or contested argument.
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At progress for more corrections later,
Only the subsequent lists of the Scripture lists can be considered as genuine collection of canon or holy bible as the name of the Old Testament:
Genesis, Numbers no other than chapters limitedly and not partly, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges chapters 1 through 18, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, mostly no and not 2 Kings, Psalms 114 is the last one or Psalm 114 is expectedly the last addition acknowledged at the times of Hanukkah war progress secretly from Psalm 1 to Psalm 114 and after that, Psalm 119, Psalm 121, Psalm 126, and the last Psalm 147 ends as in those days, supposedly people killed the chosen ones or especially chosen king possibly, and Jesus Christ God and the Lord who was like God and after facts, as God knew too in advance, many verses of Proverbs 19 by the ancient time Roman history not yet, other, the Roman history prophet Malachi were secretly indicated truthfully and became one of the prophets at about this time of the inspiration, Isaiah without many chapters, Jeremiah without some many chapters, Daniel, some Numbers of chapters to Hosea at beginning only possibly, Joel about the last days and the Spirit of God who will come in a way negatively with all this Culture unexpectedly, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, and Malachi were the only Holy Scriptures mostly to them and the people of Lot ancestry family lines who included the names such as and like, the prophet Elisha, the man of God who was interfered and died by one of old men on the road back home, the prophet Daniel, the prophet Micah, and others. As result, the prophet Malachi agreed the foundation and establishment of the Roman Empire history except likely four nations at New Jerusalem and more likely to the book of Revelation at the end somehow limitedly.
[e. g. Proverbs 19:5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 25, and 27 ought to be consequently the Word of the Lord God's, Proverbs 29:1, 3, 6, 12, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, and 27 were just famous as records of the history before, yet can become the Word of God to this Culture of the times and history now, the daughter of the Prophet Malachi who indicated her wisdom of God indicated such as and like, Exodus, Leviticus, many parts of Numbers, Ruth, 2 Kings only or mostly, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Jobs were not the holy scriptures at the times, like hardly not at all other than war time progress, Song of songs, many chapters to the book of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and end area chapters to the book of Ezekiel, Lamentations, Amos, and last six books at the end of the Old Testament except the holy Scripture of the Prophet Malachi were not also the Word of the Lord.].
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1. People read and hear about Pearl Harbor attack history. They watched numbers of movies also. However, the people who said or not said that they were related with the dates and times indicated somehow factually that (e. g. Hawaii.) was not the location. Enemies of the history facts indicated that they were angry with both people who make up lies may be and one more, actual people.
People hear . . . read that on the specific date and month of the year, Japanese people attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii for no reason, out of nowhere, for no cause and expectation . . . they say. However, Microscope DNA geographic location history analysis show and)or indicate factual comparisons, as one of television law enforcement drama indicated legally merely that on this specific date count and year, no people who lived on Hawaii was ever doubted toward comparison okay or positive fact finding. It means history fact of city, state name, and year and month counts on Microscope DNA analysis do not agree that it was Hawaii. Otherwise, according to some Japanese people who must have argued, it was Tex or Texas city related areas.
2. Anna Frank agreed no, however, indicated somehow that she did not like patriotism-repeatition-dialigue-moment(s) later, as the older and aged men especially had to indicate inclination and more toward patriotism-repeatition-conversation-times with or without chemically radiated laser radiation formula drink or private drink or cookies container-previous-worked-o.k.-as-result-for-patriotism that she heard again, and again, and it was eventually about someone else's inside-pocket-budget-expense(s.).
The opposite was majesty-recognition-based-law or work, like majesty-fair-wages-reflected-judgement especially, instead of the complicated others or Nazi history repetition or even certain famous . . . , Bible verse related house patriotism, possibly as one. And she mentioned the name Gehn-Chen, Gahm before to the history record.
3. The president no more, . . . , dear aged senior citizen, Mr. Ronald Reagan had unknown visitors who came to him at and into some private care facilities. He indicated really really legally that he wished someone could say something, and he could become more safe.
And the history of the care location for the president Ronald Reagan was about 2, 3, may be . . . , 7 no . . . it wasn't . . . they said. And he was found or discovered later years that he became somehow infected with Alzheimer Disease, as at this time, population[(s).]., at many countries may have been infected with some same or distantly similar hormone disease(s) of upto two kinds, like Alzheimer Disease and IBS Disease. They are all snake hormone related diseases, and no people must eat sugar amounts, like not a lot and more, including, but not limited to, much nuts, MSG, Disodium Guynalate, Disodium Indicate, and more.
The United States of America State number count increase started and persuaded toward two people, like military laws somehow and more, like some unknown numbers of geniuses and not common Elites who can calculate well. 8 by 11 the other way two lines of calculator became invented for the first time in history. And with this, they wanted to appeal secretly toward peace times with whoever other people against the president John F, Kennedy not only, Chicago Illinois crimes, and more, like people who became murdered around the president Lyndon B, Johnson.
Supposedly, on the year 1984, the State lists of South Carolina, North Carolina, Hawaii, Alabama, New Hampshire, and Maine became added to appealed, yet we-work-o.k.-lists to complete 45TH, 46TH, 47TH, 48TH, 49TH, and 50TH official state number counts to be added at the same time.
And the uncertain theory may be that the president Ronald Reagan and/or many people or somehow whoever they were very effectively or too much . . . , from what the record indicated legally at least about the certain care location address . . . , indicated constantly supposedly possibly . . . , and did government powers of fifty state counts unreasonably . . . , to certain looks.
Otherwise, at least to certain military law related people and geniuses or others who could calculate very too well, the United States of America fifty state counts did not exist until the year 1985 or 1984. And short time before, Mr. Ronald Reagan was city government president who approved military budget for one state only. It was their complaint.
4. Many people of North Carolina state boundary line region(s) of the people became certain Deportation Law judged arguement contest or the certain punishment progress work. And it included at least one or three possibly real Bible history direct families.
By DNA geography location history analysis supposedly, and/or possibly, they did not live then, within fifty state number counts within the United States of America. And supposedly all people came back and returned during the second presidential term of the president Ronald Reagan, like upto the year 1985.
After that, God was praised for one year only they said. And I thought you may owe too. Some people said to then, the certain Senior citizen, Mr. Ronald Reagan.
The interpretation should be that whoever the people who came back or returned later became bad . . . , again.
Not many people could speak again that the most easy laws to recognize in the world were country boundaryline laws, like not many times later.
And after that, the second people noticed the state number counts related arguement about limitations of two powers. However, then they could not understand anything much more than only military laws and how much country boundaryline laws were important.
5. Bank Security law[(s)]., indicate more than likely probably from here, with questions, like what people do two limited laws of murder crimes safe history of the times and moments that people wanted to live generally before the year count 1985-4, and limitation(s)., of the electronic Calculator invention that could help only geniuses and more others who are alike or similar to live with less trauma inside head, like fatigues after number counts only, like argued against some senior citizen, Mr. Ronald Reagan?, and like Did how many people hear and know, including the State Texas at the times, like about Deportation Law crime case argument(s) between the president Lyndon B, Johnson and the others, and like Is it possible to record one or two time arrests related suspicions . . . , No . . . , back then, indicted and judgement(s)., at the same time, as no doubt misdemeanor . . . , no never . . . , felonies only, beside suspicion or doubt in the times of crisis between Deportation law and Deportation law crime-convict-arguement . . . , as the president Woodrow Wilson, instead of Crisis times requirements approved Mr. William Taft and later someone alike and similar, as well like possibly as related with then, certain mr. Biden somewhere very busy, as the acting president of the United States of America one time not only, three more terms just in case until the case is settled toward and with Mr. Lyndon B, Johnson who was asked and requested to work with not really then, the president John F, Kennedy side by side somehow?, and like which people should be able to withdraw and transfer moneys, as either the people who can take swear all these records as absolutely required and into logic results or the other people who say Pearl Harbor, Hawaii means the Pearl Harbor related movies of two or more, and the president Woodrow Wilson means history textbook without DNA analysis of those people who became deported as arguments from the times of the president William Taft who lived very far away, like too much and more?.
Consequently, the United fifty States of America since the year 1984 can and must be able to help each other for two or more lists of laws that they signed before, like or such as:
The Bank Security Law(s)., of fifty States, and/or the place where we are . . . , take swear four times as repeatitions, permanently into the sworn oath(s)., of fact(s)., under Yahweh Yahweh the only true God, Yahweh Yahweh One true Gods and One true Lordz as the credit(s)., the Spirit of Yahweh Yahweh One true Gods and One true Lordz, Spirit of YHWH YHWH the Creator Gods, and additionally toward more credit[(s)]., Jesus Christ, the Word of Godz . . . , and more . . . , that only absolutely required truths and facts from the past logic requirements and more, like four time swears of sworn oath(s)., as fact(s)., shall, may, will, must be immediately, and can be very quickly identified as and into the person(s)., who can withdraw, transfer, and deposit, like the acting president of the United States of America who was not the president John F, Kennedy himself back then, [e. g. As certain conflict of the history record from VHS probably and to possibly one of Local ABC television WFAA news one time before, and as suggestion possible hint only, was the news record.]., without all sovereign and possible limitations, to be made into the judgements of, and/or with, and/or under YHWH YHWH the only true Gods, along with three more lists about Gods for marriage times, like people may do at least, here there secretly somehow, like very secretly.
6. You say you are the American who can have sovereign Government power(s)., of withdraw, transfer, and deposit not only, politically, and/or historically with different other coherent power[(s)]., with the history recorded names of family and more, although you do not have the actual bank account balances, like before . . . , just other than the name as the customer. However, since the separation history and facts of two countries under one Byzantine Empire [e. g. Very secretly empire or nation or some numbers of united countries they were.]., it became the absolutely proven law(s)., to change the citizenship of every people from one country boundarylines into another separate country boundarylines, as they say, and/or pronounce Yahweh Yahweh God the All Mighty before.
Again, since what year count of the fifty States within the United States of America nation or somehow legally absolutely required one empire boundaryline, were you and are you American citizen of this average and fair commercial transaction value lists . . . , and more other coherent government power(s)., that you claim and insist?
7. Four no . . . , they told me. One congresswoman said or indicated legally on CSPAN camera . . . , back then she recalled later, again on camera. Nine may be I thought . . . ,. they said to me. She said later. Geographically, they were nine she said. Previously many years before then, United States Texas Senator, Mrs. Hutchison said supposedly nine was something difficult.
Otherwise, nine out of ten all people throughout the United States of America at least,. appear to show and say that they live like that . . . , for upto twenty four . . . four can be hundreds they said, like two thousands and more . . . , sorry, please, as records.
Although CSPAN television channel does not cover absolute facts as necessary recognitions promptly all at the same time, they indicate somehow necessity of the certain business establishment, to help whoever they are . . . , true . . . , and honest, qualified Americans may be hopefully.
Again, it should be absolute fact, and/or truth that all people everywhere whoever they are must be and can be estimated . . . ,. expectedly later with technologies and more later . . . , that each people or all people grow up . . . , born not only . . . continue generations after generations,. to indicate that everyone is born into this world, in order to make peaceful country boundarylines to exist and make war time, also.
It is not possible mostly, commonly, and usually that anyone is born to serve another country government office or especially military ranks. It is why I give you the New Testament armor of God Bible or just the New Testament Bible only that is separate from the Old Testament, so you can know who you live with and get married also, as group . . . , and not as groups . . . ,. Jesus Christ, the Lord must have spoken I will say I agree . . . for my people at least.
8. The power of each State Government to prohibit, deny, deter or in a way, interfere, and more against the rights of the millionaire can and may include one more thought to check, like how to trust and include the families of some two famous Presidents of the United States Government History claim(s.).
Some imaginative speculation and some fact level limited imagination are set straight forward, like this supposedly and conditionally merely.
a. I may or can overlook the President Mark Vanburen who was pick pocket theft victim repeatition by the same child again and again . . . , No . . . , different groups of children, possibly around the times of not yet elected President Abraham Lincoln. And he was certain victim of money return failure from the works of women employees only business type, like one or two times. The United States of America civil war backgrounds indicated that bad things can happen to women employees only businesses and more, like children into slavery.
b. However, I looked and checked theoretically, examined like political science, and understood that mr. Woodrow Wilson did not live here within the United States of America, and suddenly after that he lived there in Canada region for about two or three years. After that, he came down to the State Florida region or area and lived there for about one month . . . , No, never . . . , it was for about 1 years and more than one season, like approximately four months, like the certain hair cut sample interrelated DNA geographic analysis can show or indicate.
Suddenly after that time of residential location for about 1 years and 4 months like time, Mr. Woodrow Wilson became elected as the President of the United States of America. Is it possible that a citizen can become elected as the President of the United States of America in Florida at this time of year, like geographically somehow?
Did how many people live there in and/or within State Florida at the time? The numbers were about 1300 people from the fact . . . , when some people came and said to me that they were the very people of the History before, and no other people could have elected both the President Woodrow Wilson and the President Franklin D, Roosevelt. I checked again and again, and the numbers of the people who elected at least one or all two Presidents were about 1300 at the the times of Microscope year count for, and/or toward the first Presidential term of Mr. Woodrow Wilson.
After that, about three thousands of people were possible . . . , to have had elected the President Woodrow Wilson again, for the second Presidential term.
He was the President of the United States of America from and within some microscope geographic region of nowadays, State Florida. What will they say? I do not and can not agree with the Power to make millions of dollars as both Deposits and Withdrawals inside, and/or within my State boundaryline. What will the Governments of the State Florida say? Can they do help(s.)., of both Deposits and Withdrawals?
c. Mr. Franklin D, Roosevelt did not live here within the United States of America. I checked. Two years . . . , No . . . , suddenly, he became elected as the President at the times of 1930 Economy Depression history. Forty thousands of people were possible, and some hair cut length(s)., of DNA geographic analysis appears to indicate that about forty thousand people who elected the President Franklin D, Roosevelt lived there many times in Salisbury, North Carolina location and region. Is it possible for forty thousands of people to elect Mr. Franklin D, Roosevelt as and into the President of the State North Carolina . . . , No . . . , one county within the State North Carolina at this time?
My microscope indicates clearly that he and his people lived there, like many times in Salisbury, North Carolina. Does the History textbook say the same exactly?
After that, he and his people of 40,000 migrated and relocated permanently into South Carolina. After that, my microscope year count indicated that he was the second time elected President of the United States of America, in order to help Great Depression eras. Do I tell the State Texas Government to continue the power to make millions of dollar deposits and withdrawals, as related with the families of both the President Woodrow Wilson and the President Franklin D, Roosevelt?
The State Louisiana Bank Security laws indicated before from the certain words of the State Louisiana Governor to the television news quotation level that the factual location of the address is important, to determine security concern of responsibilities and blames.
Just in case, I write that I do not advocate and defend some millions of dollars interrelated benefit[(s).]., as interrelated with the State Texas . . . , and more, . . . until all these lists of possible facts can be sworn as sworn oath of facts at least, to both Three Federal Governments and the Applicable or each number count of the State governments, as included.
Microscope DNA analysis may not be required absolutely. However, it is strange if anyone, each person, each people group, and more can not swear these past lists in the words of, like and such as, shall, may, will, must immediately, can very quickly, and more, in behalf of banks deposits, withdrawals, and more, like claim of power to do door lock break time ins and outs somewhere inside one other people related nation or country boundarylines.
9. Supposedly and theoretically, it is assumed fact. People thought before eras ago that somehow, families of the President Abraham Lincoln disappeared without whatsoever news and record for about three or four generations. The certain other fact was that three family generations had marriages with young women of two or three different backgrounds each time for three generations. After that, the other family generation is and must be at progress of their marriages. Otherwise, by rumor assumed fact . . . , no . . . , just other than some fancy imagination was that the third family generation was approached by FBI like background families of people in Russia, and she had certain marriage with him . . . , by temptation approach irresistible to break up with. Some young brother who did not grow up with me through not even one moment, spoke those words. And I overheard it before, as a child.
More assumption of imaginations and theorery indeed to check was that the wife to some third family generation of the President Abraham Lincoln came from some 40 thousands of people or one of those people who elected the President Franklin D, Roosevelt who worked many times in the city of Salisbury, North Carolina, and later migrated and relocated elsewhere again somewhere to South Carolina. The young brother to the third family generation told me when my age was about 12 years old possibly. After that, someone tried to give me uncertain rumor news that he died later, like soon, somehow as soon possibly.
The wife to the gentleman of some third family generation came from one of those strange, yet possible microscope check on DNA geographic location and migration history background, as one of 40,000 people who elected then. However, do people read the history somewhere that the President Franklin became elected by 40,000 people only and there in Salisbury, North Dakota? Is this possible at the time of the year when people read about populations of Great Depression of 1930? For another reason, is it real that only forty thousands people had elected the President by the name of First name Frank, like some brother to the third family generation of the President Abraham Lincoln said there in South Korea somewhere before he was killed possibly?
The wife to the gentleman and additionally, the certain families of the President Franklin D, Roosevelt should or ought to be related with some Bank Deposit and Withdrawals related restrictions, limitations, and more. Unless actual or real microscope DNA analysis may not be needed and/or required, she and they ought to be able to swear about the truth and fact plainly, in the words of, like and such as shall, may, will, must immediately, very quickly, and more others . . . , Please, as Request[s.].
10. ATTORNEY means attorney as fact or facts.
ATTORNEY Savior means attorney can prove or explain at least, someone may not only and can be saved, like how.
ATTORNEY of alzheimer disease savior means that with his or her or their ethnic group law firm consulted and related clients can prove and testify miracle indeed comparable fact and evidences of how they can rescue or save alzheimer disease patient[s.]., as testimonies, like advertisements.
ATTORNEY to House-of-David-evil-historyones-no means he or she or they can swear completely, faithfully, truthfully, and more that they can not be whatsoever any evil ones.
Military Lawyer means ATTORNEY Savior . . . , No, never . . . , please, it is not . . . , can prove or explain or swear at least that he or she or they are and can be the specific ethnic group affiliated . . . , no . . . , are in fact, identical . . . , and more . . . , can do and more, and he or she or they can swear four times as sworn oath of facts that the facts shall, may, will, must immediately, and can be very quickly judged to be very true, like absolutely truth[s.]., and fact[s.]., under the Spirit of Yahweh Yahweh One true Lord and one true Gods comparatively, that they are indeed military law . . . , No . . . , military ethnic group history and more handle capable lawyer at all times, like under sworn oath of facts.
11. NCIS Television drama title indicated or related episodes displayed some uncertain legal facts to indicate that states became one or united you can say, . . . , and after that objective of law was said to say . . . , and work that John (F, Kennedy.) was important . . . , murder crime prevention was result . . . , God said I hope.
My dream was . . . , to work . . . , and be married with only people like State Texas and church. I mean Churches. Church of Christ and more is okay, like water . . . , if I have to write. After that, I wanted to know there can be stories. If there can be stories whatever that must be annulled is . . . , gratefully thanks, now. In praise also, I say. There will be no unity or one common nation between the Good and the evil ones . . . , I pray forever, A-men. I pray forever, amen although it is . . . , or is not short.
Everyone knows how to prophesy. It is okay . . . , and fine. Just repeat words after the words of reverends . . . , and the praise worship time lyrics . . . , as and like words for words secretly like whisper, yet without sounds to not interfere . . . , will do that, if you or anyone has pen and memo books or note books that the person wants to write down and give to at least, family members and more, like colleagues and coworkers later . . . , like politely as much as possible for the first time individuals who do lab procedure and experience what it is like . . . , to not help . . . , in apology . . . , forever.
12. The President John F, Kennedy became murder crime victim on some street of Dallas, Texas. VHS tape technology and television were new back then, . . . , many history ago. And it was the first time introduction from the State Illinoise, one County Government[s.]. Many wealthy families . . . , and the governments around many states agreed with what the State Illinoise, one County Government[s ] said back then.
Supposedly after that, murder crime prevention objective became many different work objectives, purpose, and more. True . . . , can say these words.
The city of Dallas was supposedly back then, factually and actually Lubbock, Texas. About three years after the times or actually five years later, whatever it means . . . , the families of the crime victim relocated and lived there for three years geographically, in Dallas, Texas. However, by DNA microscope geography location history count analysis, supposedly some renowned families of, like the President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President Woodrow Wilson, and more, like even the Widow to the Dear President John F, Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Junior, and more lived there geographically, and made the name of the city to become converted, like motor converter vehicle unit in the movie, into and like Lubbock, Texas, like to this day.
Otherwise, this was how 50 states became united supposedly inside television motion picture narrative episode after episode related views and more . . . , toward and with one objective to prevent murder crime, like against the President John F. Kennedy. 50 state common law is the established foundation law, in order to prevent murder crime, like many other different crimes against the Presidents . . . , and more. Pornography was possibly one of them. Whoever Ms. Daniella Stormy could have hinted that certain comparison between one something hypocrite and another something hypocrite may be and was how certain pornography easy amount that will never become restricted became real. She said . . . , and wanted to say that she wanted to become included to Country or Nation possibly.
Murder crime prevention law of 50 states at this time should and ought to be at least two more that the first law is to prevent murder crimes that were, and/or are featured on NCIS Television drama series, like especially against Department of Defense by supposedly, theoretically, and possibly unidentified FBI units and unidentified CIA units, and more. In order to do that, at least DNA ethnic group location history must become part of all federal government offices and employees related identification, to recognize and acknowledge certain deportation law possible approach of law[s.]., to help people.
If there is one more other then, all common people of 50 states must know how to prophesy, especially at each church location, if not at television worship service time, like with pen and memo books or hopefully note book[(s).] to write down . . . , as each person repeats secretly without the sound of volumes . . . , after the words of the sermons . . . , and more, like praise worship music lyrics repeatition imitation and memo or prophecy write down.
One of the Praise worship music listen repeatition and memo or prophecy write down, as the person repeats words by words . . . , if not phrase by phrase . . . , is GLORY BE by Chris Tomlin on CD 12 time repeatitions only. You can purchase the CD. Or as you wait, you can try at least five time repeatitions from YouTube . . . , with some Windows laptop computer you do not plan to designate it as commercial transaction intended purpose. This ought to be 50 state common people law of especially all government employees and each of their militaries, also.
13. I saw or met the Apostle James, like indicated before. I believe that He sent me message of Jesus Christ Gods and the Lord who was God before and still speaks and gives the Message like God who He was before.
There are four empire or nation boundary lines of 4 different country lists of 4 people groups throughout the world. About Deposits and Withdrawals related relative or applicable credit levels, and/or amounts should be expectedly noticed, due to each state or regions based crime rate[(s).].
The United States of America has some four basic country regions or equivalently four different nation, and/or people groups under . . . , no . . . , with the United States of America Constitution law life.
a. Supposedly, the State lists of Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas are only on one side of New Jerusalem history, as the count of one nation.
b. Supposedly, the State lists of Ohio, supposedly Eastern Tennessee, Missippi, and Louisiana are only on one other different side of New Jerusalem history, as the count of one more nation.
c. Supposedly, the State lists of Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa before limitedly and partly, and more state lists, such as and like supposedly Western Tennessee, Minnesota somehow, Michigan, Connecticut, and New York are only on one more other different side of New Jerusalem history, as the count of one more other nation.
d. Supposedly, the State lists of West Virginia, Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, California, and North Carolina are only on one last or one more different side of New Jerusalem history, as the count of the fourth nation boundaryline indicated possibly before, otherwise, interrelated peoples and state counts, like little confessed from State Florida Governor, Mr. Desantis before . . . , possibly no . . . , with all these lists and about what he can admit . . . , more . . . and better, . . . , thanks he said. Oklahoma is there I think. He said also possibly.
14. There are people really, really, really there, as real persons. They do not say and ask God at least indirectly, such as and like Yahweh Yahweh the Most High Gods and the Lordz, please, I want to become the person who is and can be judged to have knowledge amount without whatsoever prayer(s.)., and explanation[s.]., based on credit level[s.]., and credit amount balance worries, and withdraw (and deposit.)., any knowledge I want from Yahweh Yahweh the Most High Godz and the Lordz for any emergency situation and more, like to establish character based credits also . . . , Please.
They do not, and/or can not swear the words before, as four time sworn oath of truth and fact, like as if one time for the Legislative Governments, another occasion differently whatever it means for the Judiciary Governments, one more occasion differently whatever it means for the Executive Governments, and one more time, like so and so differently whatever it means for at least some law enforcement agencies or additionally, if not separately about and for country boundarylines, like military laws that can withstand or help.
They do not, and/or can not swear by the words of, like shall, may, will, must immediately, very quickly, and more, like about personal or factually real, and/or circumstantial limitations under Yahweh Yahweh the Most High God and the Lord. Should they be leniently permitted or overlooked to work sovereign government power[(s).].?
15. Any face of every or it's like all wives who must heal and cure hormone disease that virtually every population is expected to have . . . , will, may, and can indefinitely change lines and curve lines of faces, due to bedroom time habits. Expectedly however, both the wife and the husband may, will, and can have expectancy of life toward 140 years of ages, like along with Pizza about two times per week, short time before the year 13 or the thirteenth year start of the marriage bedroom time that both the wife and the husband can and may be expected to quit and forget for the first time in life.
If it is at about this time of years and season then, many women wives may question, like and such as I remember that although it is rare Korean Kimchi stew can be pretty sometimes only if lucky., . . . , I remember that . . . , sour, clean, cute, kimchi woman no . . . , Kimchi itself at the place of woman, next to him may be, like somehow and more., . . . , . should I introduce myself next to all those things and say how I am different, however, somehow hormone diseases are gone and will be prevented.
16. Relative concern. Whoever lacks or do not have country boundarylines[(s).] are not qualified to use weapon[(s)]., and/or [the]., military weapon[(s)]., and if anyone or any people should be found to be [E. G. The.]., probable suspect, they must and will become servants under curse of the laws, as in under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, without all sovereign possible limitations including, but not limited to, such as, and/or like country laws of the Appealed Forefather Enoch who had a forefather Abram and one more Appealed Forefather Noah who had a forefather Lot . . . , . and more, like computer hack equipment(s.)., under sworn oath of fact(s), and more, etc. That's why without all possible limitations, as the sovereign laws of Gods under Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz forever, Amen.
17. The Citation kingdom history was after these manners of lists, like and such as The name of the family line ancestor Shem was used no more as qualification to live as refugee citizens for three family generations after the history of Jesus Christ God and the Lord who was like and after facts, as God., and more, like and such as A refugee citizen whose family generation was on the count of fourth family generation could become employed as the government offices related work., and more, like and such as Prohibitions of arrest(s.)., without explanation-citation-as-if-in-views and more, like and such as The requirements of citation-criteria-pleas that may be pleaded by veterans of the same country boundarylines only., The Work of Magistrate-commentator-judge-veteran and the certain Supervision pleas about the prohibited deposits and withdrawals related toward the military laws., Some uncertain differences between the judges with more amount of works at the side of king . . . , and one or more judges at the side of messages., and at this time hopefully and soon enough, toward and about the ages of Atonement prayer lines that people can meditate and pray and more actually and factually.
18. Ant that eats other numbers of ants and plants or water nearby can become grasshopper or its similar look alike insects that include locust. Supposedly locust came originally by consumption back and forth, I overheard, that from between wheat crop results into flour meals and more, like fruits.
Later, numbers became somehow many. After that, uncertain and some unknown people may have experimented some amount of snake or serpent poison into some form of fertilizer . . . , No . . . , weed and more, no . . . , until the plants became declared to be not poisonous, yet indirectly eaten by very tiny grasshopper origin insects . . . , and ants also. Locusts or very tiny locusts insects are included.
After that, people appear to have snake garden . . . , no, yet . . . , lizard at the worst became probable and possible on the thoughts of numbers. After that, wart causing green color insects appeared not only, mutation of locust-outcome-notyet-some-plant-eaten-nonmosquito that can bite, yet injects unintended venom level of non-poisonous-decreed-plants, as and by mosquito style into capable imitation of sting, like it is as if it's insect from some television comedy moment introduction before.
Brownish lizard may and can be related with IBS Disease somehow. On the other hand, gray color lizard can be more potent possible toward level of Alzheimer Disease, as thoughts and some speculation estimated, and/or expected result. After that, if you can watch out more numbers of lists, like and such as mosquito bites just in case, along with quick responses and more as preventions, triangular insect that is not green color, yet reminds somehow very tiny mutation of locust-outcome-notyet-some-plant-eaten-nonmosquito and more, as they move around with very tiny wart causing insects.
In thoughts, all of them or just in case, many of them, come from ants. So, ant killer chemical acid should be able to handle at least, many of them, if not all of them.
Otherwise, if it is about Alzheimer Disease and one more, IBS Disease then, ant killer chemical acid can not handle this. Some experts before, not yet to the understanding, recommended regular exercise imitation like methods of some poisonous acid release four times per week. They hoped that it will be mixed with hopefully whatever that was considered to be poisonous or Alzheimer Disease and IBS Disease, into more human-biological-friendly-and-accommodation-possible changes. Some experts not yet, discovered later that its results were so very painful into unconscious knock out somewhere and more, as result here there, about plastic tube emergency surgery that happened before supposedly.
Ever since then, they started to say and indicate the estimated emphasis that whatever regular release of acid on the back, behind the body of person, must be exactly four times per week, in order to maintain some intended pleasure-response-requirement-frequency-amounts as legally uncertain or certain infusion acid release work out for now, in hope somehow that adult entertainment business can help more from there, about wives or women who can possibly keep confusing each of their husbands that plastic tube surgery can be okay instead of death.
It is why Housing market related economy must vanish away completely, in order to protect population needs . . . , Please !
19. Arguement repeatition of delayed-increased-length-of-time with focus-on-hold-like-as-gaze to work as approved-yet-not-welcomed-and-acknowledged method of the records is real, and it is time sensitive they say to lie again and again. If anyone can do that the person is and can be estimated to be at the place of management they say also somewhere possibly, although it is merely assumption based approach into . . . , no . . . , just around the records, in order to be looked as helpful. Is this kind of job real? Otherwise, if you want to record what they do then, they say such as and like, how do I know what you say is near consistent approach to what I know as consistent, and I need to know and hear more about the security that you will say, and more such as and like how do I know what you say is near or close approximate enough as approach to what I know as appropriateness, and I need to know and hear more about the security that you will agree or say although you may feel like it is time waste with or without as-security-related-driftaway, and more such as and like how do I know what you say is closely or not too distantly coherent amount enough as record or just reason without record, and more such as and like other reasons.
An angel who appeared to me at mid air, there in Lucase, Texas indicated factually or testified factually and truthfully that all women who are mothers to their children may be expected to become estimated that 100% all of them believed, and/or thought that they recommended to each of their children or child that yes means yes, and no means no, as one objective truth at a time toward, and/or into [the.] fact only that people can read, like as the one devotional Bible not only, any other translation Bible Help is included, as well.
20. Senen Churches represent and should have been improvement related intention only . . . , like in thought, if any amount of knowledge discussion, as related with the ethnic background people elsewhere . . . , like outside the churches or elsewhere geographically . . . , then the ethnic background name of the people as reference or the name as reference should not and must not have been said and cause uncertain or certain amount of the safety. For this cause, it may be possible fact and truth that somehow, as the Holy Bible Reverend Matthew Henry indicated as prayer before, like only God knows, that if it is real then, there may be marriages between one ethnic background people of one church history group and one other different ethnic background people of one other different church history group, in order to form and help more numbers of the Rescue possible identities of the countries, as requested indirectly from certain prayer related record of the Holy Bible Commentary Reverend Matthew Henry, between the people of the Reverend and at least, certain limited numbers of the people here in Texas State possibly and may be.
21. From the book of Proverbs
16. These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to [a] Him: 17. A[b] proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18. A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19. A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
They were, and/or are the people who ride yacht boat or motorcycle on water, in order to swim very little or not a lot on their DNA analysis including, but not limited to, such as and like five no number counts of traffic tickets, and more, like buffet plate each number counts and measurement size can be up above to repeat three times more, . . . , no before, . . . , and toward more dietary desire, as YHWH YHWH the only true God knows.
The other category of the people can be those who become combined to the first people . . . , no . . . , but it's similar. They curse also . . . , he said. Only . . . , no . . . , stealing at the same time, as the intention and more. If those two lists are combined then, the Microscope DNA Analysis threats . . . , no . . . , check of a lying tongue can, and/or may become investigated officially, as uncertain good or evil merely.
People of hands something plan rarely and speak, like uncertain appearances of manslaughters and more. The word manslaughter secretly came from the history of the President Mark Vanburen. If it is correct then, the specific crime must be alike or similar to at least one slaughter. It was his notice after he lost his wife and . . . , child as abducted, kid napped victim. In fact, kidnap of this kind is or was or may be similar to at least, one slaughter again.
They meditate again, again, and again if it is right . . . , and correct . . . , no, rude . . . , they want to make sure it will happen. Their emotional category of DNA analysis pattern observation can be possibly like number counts toward no . . . , into the results of step by step no emotion . . . , rude. That is how to catch. God over Lucas, Texas said.
A wicked plan is such as and like things to throw away, as brooding over . . . , about which ones and . . . , how to and more, like vision the other way . . . , no . . . , it is rude, right. It is like meditation without vision may, and/or must be Microscope DNA Analysis pattern.
Murder crime may, and/or must be description of quick feet, no . . . , is rude. Whoever it I has proud appearance, yes . . . , probably right. After that, use of strength related lists of thoughts can, and/or may become meditations like pattern of thought or emotion(s.).
One more other people was, and/or can be by creation design like and such as some people who try to use dream that is fake or not real, if not genuinely concerned to be not reality is . . . , rude, if not. That is Microscope analysis pattern supposedly.
The last one may be somehow secrets. I don't know honestly not too much.
22. [E. G. Medical Designation intended record as help.]. The first invention-of-practical-and-useful-introduction of automotive technology came from South Korea asylum immigrants in 1960's and not 1940's or 1930's, and/or 1960's early times. We checked them. I was told supposedly by or as theory only. All those people who said, such as and like They that pioneered-invented the-first-automotive-units-of-travels as the early Ford model[(s).] to be acknowledged into the fames of the first history for the inventors of the American history . . . , No . . . , the United States economy history of Transportation Department[(s)]., were mainly related with geographic location history of and with the President Franklin D, Roosevel who himself was not born here under Microscope DNA analysis supposedly very likely and one more, all the early Ford vehicle, and/or car models related Americans whom previously CEO of Ford Motor Corporation could not meet not too many times, as indicated legally and factually on television conference like times of the record(s), appeared to belong to similar or the same geographic location history of DNA analysis, like possibly off from the hair cuts. The Hair cut DNA sample analysis means that typically the DNA-analysis-size-on-microscope-magnification indicates or can indicate that its enlargement of the sample size from the hair cut is easy enough to be able to count approximate date of the Flood judgement with the forefather Noah and the Ark of the Salvation[(s)]., to about 3062 years ago from the year count record of 2024 at this time. Supposedly, the claimed fame of the early Ford model vehicle pioneers came from Russians, and they did not live here anywhere within the United States of America, until about the times of the history at 1910 or 1920 . . . , as much as possible . . . , as agreed by some descendant daughter of the President Woodrow Wilson . . . , and no, never by any other name of the President, like the President Mark Vanburen..
23. [E. G. Medical Designation intended record as help.]. Not so harshly harmful various insects among fake, yet some not poisonous plants that are not or may and will not become shrub yet, at least for now . . . , no, never . . . , into or toward any grown height of the tree history, like not yet . . . , are different from supposedly the same exact identification insect comparison list(s)., that are and may be found elsewhere with different land resource background lists. Fake means certain helpful fertilizer was not used to make the kind or amount of plants although the same exact identification plants elsewhere may or may not be identical or additionally same.
It means insect bites are different. Those insects with some much not poisonous plants or shrubs as the first insect group, yet at the same time, additionally related with actual and real shrub instead of fake one that was mentioned before . . . , again additionally related with actual and real shrub and more, like some attraction of at least very tiny locusts as the second insect group, . . . , can and may cause insects into laying eggs on nearby shrub not only . . . , both shrubs and not so much poisonous . . . , ones also. From complicated background of these two insects and more, came another spechi or mutation formed wart-causing-insect that spits its poison or saliva many times on right leg or sometime . . . , less numbers of times on the left side only . . . , like rare . . . , or rarely done.
Two hormone Diseases of IBS and Alzheimer inform practically that although hormones inside the body must be prevented from nutrition absorption, no hormones throughout the body can and must be made to be especially deplete without whatsoever nutritiona value, like by use of Vodka especially, beer, diet phosphoric acid uses, and possible others. Because of the fear that starts at this moment about Alzheimer Disease medically people perceive already that certain pleasure related one of different other hormones or possibly endorphins will make its appearance interference along with . . . , no . . . , against at least some amounts of nutrition depleted certain-disease-level-hormones to become recovered automatically, all by itself.
That is how people reason and make logic based assumptions to imitate similar next level of natural hormone changes intended experiences and encounters for five years and actually more, to become noticed as loud level enough against the disease pervading interferences that certain pleasure amounts combined with four times per week released acids on the back, behind to the body of person, can be equivalent or equal to one third amount of the soothing . . . , No . . . , one third amount of pleasure to withstand the pregnancy crisis of woman toward the delivery of baby.
24. When nearly every woman who becomes 67 years old experiences different other progress related Artificial Intelligence logic and more comparable biological womanhood she can say suddenly as her last conclusion of knowledge experience denoted discoveries, such as and like when she grew up all those years, she knows and understands, like perfectly that she never had a parent not only, two parents possibly, because of her biological makeup represented encounter through years before and her final conclusion as similarity the way how any genius contends and can become self-aware of his ID as genius. Every woman knows that she was born as woman naturally the way how God created. It was the confession to the President then not yet, otherwise, dearly honorable Abraham Lincoln who was approached by one or two women who assumed that he perceived himself already as the certain Genius created and sent by God the way how nearly every woman did and does.
25. Properties related manner[(s)] immitation and its repeatitions must not and can not be expectedly the same or equivalent with, and/or into manner[(s).] imitation and its repeatitions established society or rank and hierarchy as or by claimed normal-consistent-normal-appropriate-appearance-carryout-behavior. Property that is directly or indirectly related manner imitation must be expectedly appropriate, and/or politely consistent with and into no-stealing-imitation, if not against any crime, if not in behalf of property ownership, such as and like copyright ownership and more, like the drink content that should be expectedly unchangeable, and/or undisturbed-capable-and-expected-drink-material-quality, as compared to the certain sandwich content that should be expectedly unchangeable, and/or undisturbed-capable-and-expected-sandwich-material-quality or very equivalent workmanship that must not be stolen, like just in case for another legal case understanding.
Consequently, it is appropriate that whoever adds or changes the content of any drink and/or meal time must become fired, and/or become responsible under and into the Criminal Law[(s).]., related charge or charges with property that is directly or indirectly related with manner and at least, imitation and repeatition and/or the habit[s].
The intention of, and/or toward [and/]or with crime of changed, and/or modified evidence or it's material(s)., may and/or can be considered to be any observed indication under the progress of the certain unknown weapon usage. This should have been the law that many people of the State Texas wanted to seek and make pleas toward certain help[s].
26. Women Government[s.]., e. g. And/]or Communist beautiful women-method-and-not-principle Government(s.)., indicated the certain nature of women represented typical power and at the same time, from the words of WW II History ago or before, the certain each progress of arguement that indicates a presence of secret or sudden Communist Governments interruption or establishment[s ]., or involvements, and more did not want to continue their history as [the.] certain isolated communist governments related boundaryline(s).
The certain principle of Beautiful Women are known to be appreciation, agreements, acknowledgement, and more about eventually some numbers of beautiful women as each other and how other women . . . , no . . . , men or the men who love them can be with them, like as married and easily found by certain Communist Government of each ethnic background people or each geographic location people of the history before and ago. And they indicated the subsequent response-helpful-fact to the records, if not to the people generally. And they are:
a. All women or not yet married young women indicated the fact that they were not born to be genius, yet biologically experience later in life time of, like and such as from 38 years old to 47 years old that their radiation-image-view scan inside the head area showed remarkable identification similar catch between the men who were genius and all women who biologically experienced each of their age differences . . . when they biologically discontinued the completion of no-more-genius-work-years as any-possible-age-pattern-that-can-appear-suddenly. It means they were one of some certain common people group only if ages were left alone to prove with who . . . no, ... what they were. b. Every woman was and is different, as if every ethnic background country boundary or every geographic location history nation boundaryline can be independent and one more, Sovereign and well also.
c. Every woman was not identical or same, however. Eventually at least, many women understood and perceived that they were created and born into this world to become pretty in words and appearance[(s).]. The certain problem was that all of them were not the same. Some not yet married young ladies grew up possibly by another kind of different mother, with not much understood hurts. About four out of five women live under the certain Criminal Law dream land, as they become so and so certain or not too certain amounts of genius experiences. This was or is the reason why many people did not want to continue the communist government boundaryline history.
e. At the same time, as woman to woman, some certain dream land of how a woman can become intelligently capable, beautiful in knowledge, especially about marriages, how she can be pretty, and more became appeals due to the dream land of no abuse or very harsh, and/or evil punishment[(s).]. Otherwise, if the age of woman is about 84 years old she can do her summary of her age experiences at the age of 67 years old. She tells her daughter(s), grand-daughter(s), and daughter(s) in law that yes, woman was born to be beautiful in thoughts, words, appearances may be, and more, like to be pretty and humble. She tells them that they must be mindful of the religion as woman and know how to have characters in behalf of each husband and later, similarly the same amount of dimensional characters for each child and children. And it concludes that to be equivalently genius as woman means she ought to be humble and polite to every ethnic background woman and indirectly their societies or country boundarylines.
f. As all women may perceive, criminal law dream land says likely and probably that computer programmers can be . . . , no . . . they are women who make non-existent genius-yet-much-alike-input-program(s) to become computer program viruses.
g. If woman commit sin[(s).]., they are many times mostly about program-decision-controls. Without this confession and prayer toward the deliverance and special wisdom, no rabbis, pastors, and applicable places within and through the Governments of countries, in fact, one or two nations can succeed. I swear solemnly, honorably, loyally, religiously, and more.
h. Therefore, then history ago, Elohim wanted to know if Eve committed the sin toward program-decision-or-design-controls related thoughts or results, if not for some other purpose.
i. Elohim wanted to know if Eve and Adam can do what is appropriate into and not around, like with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil boundaryline requirements.
j. Later after the family line, Elohim wanted to know that if the daughters or actually and factually the people can do one nature of woman then, say and indicate factually that yes means yes, and no means no by one common nature of truth and logic inside the mind of women.
k. The biblical House of David is annuled. And one other is that the family was and has been communists like so and so, with . . . , no . . . merely around the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil boundaryline requirements, despite time to time occasional appearance of the fame, like the Independence of Ireland that lasted for about 130 years and the history about the President Abraham Lincoln.
l. Commercial transaction or duty does not exist. Yet, they do some certain honor that is directly or indirectly related with manner imitation [at least or all the times ], and repeatitions of the respectful manners by not-never-me-just-each-other-only are included to make moneys . . . , no, just other than to make Women Government[(s)]., to work and make moneys. And this is the word of Elohim from Yahweh Yahweh one true Gods and one true Lordz and separately, Elohim who may or may not permit atonements.
m. This is the judgement about some annuled House of David that the Apostle James did it to himself and the family lines after and since the times he was kidnapped by friendly trick way and became murder crime victim before.
n. The Apostle James wrote the epistle of Hebrews, as one of four witnesses before he became kidnap-crime victim. Three other witnesses were the Apostle John, and more by the United States of America history record before.
o. It is not possible for annuled or not annuled House of David can have government offices and military rank at the same time, at any other Gate beside the Gate of the Apostle James only, next to eleven other Gates on the four sides of New Jerusalem.
p. Communist Woman Government Offices must be harmed.
q. The state Colorado, the partly state Nevada, the new mexico State Work and the looks, and somehow time to time no hopefully, here in the Texas state, the Assemblies and the people represent three Gates related capacities no . . . , one Gate at a time as each savings account and/or each pocket inside three warehouses.
r. 9 or 11 other Gates that can not or will not use each of their Treasury Departments shall and may become destroyed completely no, like time before in Byzantine history before and ago, however, they will be shackled into the servants appropriate judgement under the book of the Revelation Word of Godz.
27. All Government powers, offices, and military ranks were, are, will, and must be based on the foundation like boundary lines related law that says, and/or have been comparable with the perceived mindset[(s)]., such as and like the question that can not exist, like some people who can not or must not, like and such as either one or the other at least, again the words of some practical help equivalent record can be that the certain people who can not or must not do the Deportation Laws are here within the cities, and they did the laws and still work this as progress. What do we do . . . , PLeaSe?
28. Construction life that displays, as some people may say or will say, as Always life like this or all the time was or may be some construction life progress freedom as limitation of who they are by and into the certain identification recognition of construction life home unit at the expense of their or the others, if not my and your fine and okay similar certain construction life home unit or units everywhere.
However, they say possibly the certain imitation words like we gave you at least some construction home units although it may not be all of you. I am sorry about door-lock-break-time-insandouts, yet it is your responsibility to prove what life is like with some knowledge related contribution. Until some knowledge is here we will continue door-lock-break-time-insandouts for knowledge to off set certain communist upper class lack or needed breakout freedom like you do and how you say you don't want to be communists at all, as dispersed to everywhere.
Communism means then it is certain difference between establishment of characters for employment permanency and and the certain construction of characters that requires build up, training, and more, as not useful, yet will be hopefully established later as the work place of many people. It was one thing that the Communist Governments failed before.
29. Passport laws existed throughout the history of the time table, as it must be. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil boundaryline requirement learned knowledge or actually experienced understanding and law or laws required this concern throughout the times.
Whoever denies Passport laws within Passport-laws-none-other-than-diversity-freedom-trade indicates at least, probably and possibly differences between your pocket related expenses or budget and my pocket related expenses or budget. Passport law may and must be able to indicate that intentionally negative disregard, and/or contempt between your pocket and my pocket can be as mindful concern, certain presence of evil one or ones.
Some very inexpensive television motion picture eras of some history before indicated that the House of Lincoln or some admired President Abraham Lincoln and his family lines became related into certain, and/or some prolonged conflict, and/or climax of the times back and forth between one people and one other people of the past Civil War conflicts no, never. One of three nation Generals related the Family of back then the admired President Abraham Lincoln became over excessive with tax, and families forgot time to time Republican nations needed, and/or required budget or requirement value for every citizen throughout three nations before.
Some supposedly speculated narratives on television quality motion picture, yet movie enough as history and more, narrated visually, and/or supposedly that he had bad companions who could not condone some prolonged conflict enough and decided to chase after each construction unit of home or house enough as far as within then, any certain future estate of the State Florida now. And they shot rocket and fired each home for upto about twenty or more homes he claimed later one day, after his death . . . , no . . . , that's why they said later somewhere in the movies elsewhere in the eras. After that, he travelled to the times of the year 1984 crisis where he met supposedly not yet accused and confirmed Grand Prince, Lee Ha Heung by, and/or as certain name who had estate claim as and to the family line of King Rufus, the name that was signed to the United States of America Independence before with three other families as cousins, and/or relatives.
The Family of the claim to the House of David and the history of the President Abraham Lincoln wanted to introduce Japanese entertainment business employees of young women only to become introduced to the Steam Engine seller government, and/or business unit(s). That was how it started some television quality motion picture narratives indicated the narratives eras ago.
After that, the other people assumed or thought somehow that they had the ones who they had been searching for, after each of their homes that became ransacked by fires . . . , no . . . . other than rocket. And ever since then, the other people claimed the family line related certain distances through generations of four more life time apologies owed marriages. They killed the first generation ancestor later. After that, four more generations and each of their marriages lasted until now.
And the conversation language manner related with and/or about the President Abraham Lincoln became Southern Army non-commission office people group that includes Mafia in Russia and one more, numbers of more other persons like from the family line of Mr. Woodrow, Wilson and not the president Mark, Vanburen.
Their conversation language manner is like this. You are Satan, no. However, can you become like Satan limitedly somehow and pay off or lose whatever you need to, although you can not be and are not Satan exactly in the Garden of Eden. Yes, you can if you have things to pay. And they indicate two lists of laws, such as and like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil related boundaryline requirement laws and one more, certain needs why one person should or may need to be made like Satan or under many punishments that require one marriage no hopefully and may be from the lips of the other. And at the same time, the certain people of Southern Army history background will not, and/or can not calculate the certain spiritual and intellectual capacities of the Boundaryline-requitement-various-laws and one more, some Satan who must become punished like Satan, although not and never like Satan in the Garden of Eden before, into and toward equality usage of the first law and the second law at the same time or conversation usage of capable equality measurement of two logical reasons units or lists or laws, like two at the same time.
Therefore, it is judged, and/or concluded at this time that some annuled House of David became legally the certain annuled non-commission office House of David. On the other hand, the similar family line who decided to have any certain beautiful color background marriage within the country life of the past American Civil history years, like as between one relative family line of the Grand Prince not really, other than unfortunate king and some distant brunet Russian beauties of the intellects, became much similar also, as and into non-commission office people group world of their laws, exchange, and conversation somehow.
Anyone who was obliged, if not became required somehow, to have marriage with the past Civil War history background of the beauties, became possibly non-commission office people group of certain communism laws and toward each of their contribution efforts into some state government Treasury department expenses only. They do not do equality usage, and/or conversation usage of capable equality measurement.
The family line of the President Abraham Lincoln is believed to be the citizen of the State Alabama people group. The specific one family line of my admired word of God and law[(s).]., judge Stan was believed to be the citizen of the State Colorado and may have done things before, like no self-defense indicated love into the presence of the beautiful women, Russian beauties with injection that causes the person to reason, and/or speak in the eloquence amplification of admired gender attention, and/or focus. Again, all two family lines should be expectedly estimated to be non-commission people group, into their own some contribution societies of the law.
30. Some factual American Identification as problems, and/or crisis can, is . . . , No . . . , are, and must be able to become identified as expectedly or the certain negative expectations, if not [E. G. Additionally.]., as factually or the certain negative fact identifications . . . , again, because of some mere genuinely confirmed and really confirmed factual problems. One of many lists may and at the same time, must be indicated spiritually, and/or honestly, sincerely, and/or factually, and more into and/or as the next record[s.].
I, Light True or the First name True and the Last name Light, take swear[(s).], and/or sworn oath[(s).]., of fact[(s).]., about the Biblical and historical name[(s).]., of, and/or into the previously known and read fame[(s).]., from . . . , no . . . , with and/or about the House of David or equivalently just in case and very limitedly, and very solemnly toward, and/or to the government record[(s).]., in a way unlikely, yet remotely the key of David, again about the House of David or equivalently very limitedly, as God knows, the key of David, like:
The Biblical and actually possible family facts of reputation to be the House of David were, could become or become previously and before, and more, that 1. They were, became, and can be, and/or become some annuled non-commissioned office like . . . , No . . . , just other than plainly and factually moment, and/or case moment highlight record[(s).]., about the House of David is identically, and/or exactly the same, as and like some annuled non-commission office House of David. 2. The House of David were, became, and can be, and/or become identically, and/or exactly the same, as and like the annuled crime law[(s).]., related criminal(s.)., House of David. 3. The House of David were, became, and can be, and/or become identically, and/or exactly the same, as and like the first-line-wait-list-no Greedy beautiful woman lover and after that, G G G G, . . Greedy monetary user[(s).]., from and into the time[(s).]., not only, money equivalent list[(s).]., of whatever pocket[(s).]., of anyone, as they claim to be famous before biblically.
Therefore, it is inferred fact at least, if not certain indirectly experienced life moment[(s).]., and/or fact[(s).]., and the judgement[(s).]., that must be made spiritually, and/or honestly, sincerely, and/or factually. New Jerusalem at the end of the Scripture by the title of the book Revelation indicates factually, as I swear spiritually, and/or honestly, sincerely, and/or factually, solemnly, and/or as the governments related record[(s).]., honorably to the Last, faithfully as one of famous innocent conversation like not guilty record, and more, that the twelve apostles are divided into life and the history of some four different nations with each of their own governments, such as and like one government nation related with the history of three apostles and the family lines, another government nation related with the history of more three other different apostles and the family lines, still another government nation related with the history of more three other different apostles and the family lines, and one last, such as and like the government nation related with the history of more three other different apostles, like the apostle James, the brother of Jesus Christ the Lord within the New Testament Holy Scriptures, as one of three apostles and more, like the apostle Peter, and more and the family lines.
The family of the Apostle James and/or the family line to, and/or with the President Abraham Lincoln belongs to one of these four nation boundarylines and their citizenship life. Anywhere else with, and/or at any one of three other different nations, the family line of even the Apostle James, the brother of Jesus Christ the Lord within the New Testament Bible or even the family line of the President Abraham Lincoln, becomes the second, and/or the first level refugee citizen, like Jesus Christ, the Lord at the times of the birth and not history, by faith that must be carried out and establish the nation and each of their governments.
I was born as the only begotten son of God . . . , no, never . . . , as the only begotten son from God, also . . . , no, Also. After I used the prescription medicine of Eye Ointment from Emergency Department I discovered that I had Alzheimer Disease, and I should not have used it one or two times before. After that, I understood later that God protected me, and I just became the-only-begotten-eyesights-protected-miracle-mercy and limitedly honor from YHWH YHWH the only true God. There was no one in the world who did not and could not have lost eye sights if the person had Alzheimer Disease and used the specific ingredient of Eye Lubricant that can include Alcohol ingredient. There was no one, and there will never be anyone who can protect the eye sights of Alzheimer Disease patients if there can be eye infection equivalent something that may or can happen against the eyes of any patient. However, Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz did this then. I became protected and saved. At the times of the years then, I only thought of myself as potentially possible teacher to the children somewhere on Sunday School. However, some gas problem(s.) that I had was severe that I could not attend any church and do this anywhere. And Happy Birthday God, my Bear and Happy Birthday God, my Savior protected my eye sights before and through all these years at least.
How it happened was and is still difficult to explain and help anyone other than as prevention caution, to try to not let it happen to anyone. Otherwise, just as caution and prevention hope, at the times supposedly, I travelled a lot and made many or variously too many times of car-honk-sounds at many various places, to try to make visits to VA Emergency Hospital in Dallas, Texas area somewhere. And after that, many or variously too many different location alarm similar possible car-honk-sounds made me to become the first born . . . , no, never . . . , just the first time, the-only-begotten-eyesights-protected-miracle-mercy and honor from Yahweh Yahweh one true Godz and one true Lordz and Jesus Christ God and the High Priest who like God, overlooked no . . . , gave the permission or the agreement to let it happen. And this is the message from Spirit of Yahweh Yahweh the Creator Godz and more.
It is somehow limitedly very difficult to say or tell from the place of characters who who want to seek the times of the marriages for the populations and my character and marriage also. Otherwise, because I had this kind of unexpected difficulties and some calculation estimated possible miracle protection, I will write just in case if each person can take advantage of this or not possibly somehow. In behalf of their protection if each person can pursue this possibly then, my travel duration related names of some individuals were like and such as possibly if I am factually correct then, the Television Evangelist Reverend Daniel Kolenda, only if it is right appropriately then, Senator Mr. Joe Biden, only if it is factually right then, Senator Mr. John Cornyn and more, later like State Texas Lieutenant Governor Mr. Daniel Patrick, and others to protect in their behalf of more others, like families who are uncontrollable. CHASE bank related securities as additional work was there also, on the road . . . , no, never . . . , commercial high ways of many or variously too many different location alarm similar possible traffic times . . . , if it will be possible for one more time, by and for any people especially or hopefully all people everywhere if it is required sincerely and/or factually.
Light True or True Light
(at this time of the occasion and relocation progress).
I have sent some letter of request one or two times before, in order to request certain lab analysis between tear drop sample of any Hormone Disease patient and more, like the use of prescription eye ointment, Eurythromycin . . . , please !
Since the times, I believe, and I trust God that I have submitted and sent some 98% equivalent knowledge or understanding of how to approach and cure any Hormone Disease and/or Alzheimer Disease by now, to the Attention of various government offices, like the State Texas Governor mr. Gregg Abbott, the United States Texas Senator Mr. John Cornyn, and more, like the State Texas Lieutenant Governor Mr. Daniel Patrick legally somehow, the United States Texas Senator Mr. Ted Cruz legally somehow, the State Texas Speaker of the House mr. Dade Phelan somehow and more hopefully and legally and other.
I believe I have indicated how to prevent and stay cure or how to cure Alzheimer Disease, as upto 98% of comparable-medical-understanding-based-practical-cure . . . , please ! However, I need house, and I have complications or difficulties against what I have submitted and gave to many various government offices, as the only way of how to cure two Hormone Diseases, like Alzheimer Disease somehow and one more, IBS Disease, as well.
Populations are said to have Hormone Diseases by at least, 10 billion senior citizens alone on television advertisement. And there must be more numbers of the people who can not be and are not senior citizens at all. However, in order to be fair, I will state . . . , please !
(Some medical designation help or request intended letter ends along with the picture black and white printout image).
related medical conditional requirements or
needs experienced and known history background [DNA analysis.]
Emails . . . No, never . . . , please,
just other than actual and real overnight letters
were written and requested to even the Governor of the State Texas,
Mr. Greg Abbott, followed by the State Texas Speaker of the House,
mr. Dade Phelan, and more.
Some manner immitation and repeatition established
indication of honor[(s).] at many different places,
the Hierarchy and/or rank[(s).] of honor amount, and
more others by each others only interpret
1. No Stealing immitation existed other than as crimes.
2. Military occupation law-immitation-appearance-merely
exist or can coexist in the form of stealing number counts.
3. Average and fair commercial transaction values
are not possible or additionally reasonable
without Criminal Law Procedure related
appropriate amount and content of
appropriateness or appropriate manner(s)
related record(s).
. . . , ..
[E. G. Medical Designation intended record request or plea as help.] ! !! !! ! ! !
Two Hormone Diseases of IBS and Alzheimer inform practically that although hormones inside the body
must be prevented from nutrition absorption, no hormones throughout the body can and must be made to
be especially deplete without whatsoever nutritional value, like by use of Vodka especially, beer, diet
phosphoric acid uses, and possible others. Because of the fear that starts at this moment about
Alzheimer Disease medically people perceive already that certain pleasure related one of different other
hormones or possibly endorphins
will make its appearance interference along with . . . , no . . . , against at least some amounts
of nutrition depleted certain-disease-level-hormones to become recovered automatically, all by itself.
That is how people reason and make logic based assumptions to imitate similar next level of natural
Hormone changes intended experiences and encounters for five years and actually more, to become
noticed as loud level enough against the disease pervading interferences that certain pleasure amounts
combined with four times per week released acids on the back, behind to the body of person, can be
equivalent or equal to one third amount of the soothing . . . , No . . . , one third amount of
pleasure to withstand the pregnancy crisis of woman toward the delivery of baby.
My hormones are not too much healthy. However, they are responsive somehow very easily,
perhaps to eyes, inside the head area, and more, like inside the Heart organ itself, and various
others by anything possible, like amount of chocolate, alcohol, and more . . . , that include,
but not limited to, such as and like any excessive or sh h h secret market attraction ingredient
that may be similar to Coca Cola Classic years before . . . , Please ! !!
This is my legal manner-pages related grammar from God and more, like more Gods.
Microsoft Corporation software series by engineers of genius, like Mr. Bill Gates and more, like his
two parents who raised him to grow up, along with two other children who knew him, were and
may be believed to be some numbers of refugee citizens who did their share of related life and efforts from and against then, Nazi Military occupation Law in France, and wanted to say that
along with the difficulties of the sign that became indicated with and by the Construction to the
Statue of the Liberty and many more, like from then the people in France who begged that they will do anything for Nazi Military occupation Law(s). It is certain speculation that it was how
Microsoft Corporation made computer programs and Operating System Design series by many
different names, yet none of them were real other than certain get away attempt from them.
And supposedly Microsoft Corporation did not, do not, and will not do the appropriate manners of
Criminal Law related records about anything. It includes or may include anyone who came and
work for them possibly . . . , please ! If there must be questions about Software Operating
System Design and more, the only words that they said or may say have been possibly like,
Thou know the majesty appeals acknowledged and granted to the genius and how much they
ought to not be molested or questioned, as it includes the majesty or any majesty anywhere,
no doubt also? . . . , and more others, possibly like as seen on TV. And Microsoft Computer
Operating System is always possibly . . . , I don't know except the personally busy schedules
and times about the unknown and even still, never used word Nazi . . . that all Microsoft
Computer Operating System Software series are themselves at the place of any or whatsoever or
whatever kind of legal language manner at the throne of like,
Majesty-appeals-no-questions-you-knew not only possibly, here there they do even the differences
between genius-majesty-interrelated-common-manner and
genius-only-interrelated-expected-commercial-manners, yet without whatsoever helpful
explanation to the copyright ownership amount, like never and ever, as if every people can know
it may be certain possible famous fact enough that they may have wanted to get away from Nazi
Military occupation Law in France before, like through many years of life time just moment ago,
like by today date and more, as and into practical warning. It was what they owed . . . ,
please. If there is one more then, they do what is genius-honor-amount-smart-manner-related
more-legal-occasion-or-conversation-related-balance-transfer as advantage of being genius or
35. To the best of my assumption in faith toward some sworn oath of the covenant like truth and official dismissal(s.)., and the loss is fine and O.K. Four actual and alive persons signed the United States of America Constitution laws, and their names were like King Rufus to at least, some famous family line of the Grand Prince or one of some four founders to one nation at that time, and more, like Livingstone William, the name that was like certain memorization to families after two marriages, the letter J like James related with one more some politically-limitedly-movie-only-character-famous family line of Zhinghiskhan, Rutledger John whose secret family line was one of two family lines to one of four founders to Jehiya, one nation of two countries at the corner of the continent Asia, yet four actually and really, like at this time, with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.
They gave military weapons, signed, and agreed that the President of the United States of America over there or here in the continent America shall, may, and will work in the times of the national emergency only, like in the times of war and more, and not at any other times, for us to become interested in some political investments before history ago, that three other New Jerusalem nations not yet, just other than certain three separate and different military units of New Jerusalem within and inside the book of Revelation agreed that they will found based on the laws that we gave, and they added, and will establish one nation or secretly and hopefully upto three nations of one United States of America.
Based on the military units that they had at the times of the history and more, only one nation . . . , no, never . . . upto some three possible nations had some four United States of America presidents who were required and needed to do war times for them. After that, there was one or two more presidents, such as and like the Civil War with the president Abraham Lincoln and one more, as related with the State Texas Independence and against one Mexican Nation . . . , no, not . . . was rude. After the thought somehow, the total calculations . . . , no, never . . . , just other than merely count must be that the United States of America as one nation . . . , no, never . . . upto some three possible nations had seven presidents before, like four presidents as the start, after that, the president Abraham Lincoln and the president Andrew Jackson, and one more at the time of the State Oklahoma land regions related Independence, like no lies between the Mexicans who were enemies then and one more, especially the seventh president who founded the State Texas Independence . . . ,
No, never . . . , just other than the State Texas Oklahoma regions like Timothy McVeigh who tried to indicate questions at least and anything honest or just in case, one time spelled out the word Honesty with some effort before . . . , possibly.
Uncertainly perceived rumor or said indication about interracial marriages is by certain judgement consideration of Microscope DNA analysis related repeatition or possibly statistics, that whoever has marriage with someone from one other different ethnic group, like against Some Babylonian cultural nation group, some Persian cultural nation group, and/or difficult to indicate, yet separately some Medes cultural nation group who must be separated from the Persians if it is about the marriages, some Greek nation cultural group, and one last, the Roman Nation cultural-requirement-law group, like Korean language and secretly English language
before . . . , again if there must be any interracial marriage among these four nation groups
then, the family line discontinued shortly after that. It was some possible discovery of Microscope DNA analysis related marriage and family law.
Creation design reminded law or may be possibly laws of God can and
may have conflict with lies, factual lie or mistake, and more, like the
number list 26 about Women government[s] or communism. Creation
design is and can be one of five lists, as how people think, conclude,
and live life. And they are such as and like Good, Conscience, Logic,
Way and/or Manner of Worship of God at the place, and more, like
lists of privacy to learn, complete, and take advantage of each privacy
as required or needed. Creation design can include copyright, also and
if more, copyright ownership as if to imitate the world of God and have
this law.
Whoever make up or fabricate lies against ownership or ownership related
rank of merchandise or product, in behalf of . . . , No . . . , in fact,
against the owner solely or any owner within and throughout each country,
and/or state boundary line[(s)] should . . . , no . . . , must be made
to become required under the investigation procedure commercially and also,
by Criminal laws at that same time.
Whoever works ownership imitation and ownership related king or right of the
king against commercially or not commercially significant, and/or important
value of the personal values, and/or any asset and its silent or not said
value[(s)] equivalent rank or hierarchy in the country, and/or state
boundaryline[(s)] must be required commercially and by criminal laws at the
same time, to do the criminal laws helpful records.
No state government agency, and/or employees or any one of their national
guards and others against any other state government[(s)], and/or citizens,
if not any federal military branch, and/or base against any other federal
military branch, the location(s), and more ethnically and historically, if not
any federal government geographic location against any other different
federal geographic location, county, and/or state and possible others
. . . , must be able to indicate legally and factually, and say sworn oath
of facts about ownership, and/or ownership related any sovereign power or
lie(s), and/or others with or without its relatively significant, and/or important
commercial rank and/or uncertain hierarchy adequate or nor adequate
ownership importance, and/or its value.
37. We believe in Christian Holy Bible New Testament and the history thereafter. If anyone adds to the facts and truth about four nations at New Jerusalem, God will add to him the plagues that as are written in the book of Revelation. However, if anyone takes away from the words of the prophecy that are written in the book, God will take away the right to participate from the tree of life and more.
Whoever it is and whoever they are must swear about each of their four different nation citizenships, and as long as it is honest, that's fine.
And it is possible fact and truth with, and/or from the book of Revelation that we have one more inescapable natural law of God, and it may be that appropriately all people must be able to say to, and/or against whoever they are, such as and like you will have the war that you said you wanted to have. And it happens, as it happens, although God helps and wants to help this. And God over the places of many inescapable ghost haunting sites said, such as and like we, all the people of three church background from the Continent Asia at the end of the geographic region, must expectedly choose to take side with the people of the subsequent or following basic religion of all women somehow, as each people limitedly, however at this time of all populations who have IBS or Alzheimer or at least, dementia, as 3 hormone diseases. Water must be one of the problem causes.
Some basic religion of various women population culture groups or to be not at the side of Babylon by some counsels of the prophecies from two holy prophets before, however somehow at this time, is that people should expectedly reason it is all right to memorize and contemplate some duty description of women from some pornographic novel of marriage bedroom time art book category, as if in prayer and with three or four wish lists, in order to cure those three mentioned hormone diseases. We want to take side with women culture groups of the people who can acknowledge some presence of God and wish lists like prayer.
Although they come from marriage bedroom time art category, intended some business interests, their women and other related merchandises are more from and toward the presence of the Lord God or preferably Yahweh Yahweh the Most High Gods and the Lord for the their moneys, instead of some traditional Judaism religion people that may include the origin of Septuagint Holy Bible that was not really Greek language, just other than 26% bilingual background Bible and became introduced at the time of Hanukah war moments and times.
Four nation of four different citizenships for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil related boundaryline requirements must be able to become responsible with which military security employment to take side with, here as one of our people to do the military security work and more about marriage bedroom time art related merchandise lists that should not be looked down or away.
Again, the law is that eventually you or whoever they are will have the war that they said they will have. And we know they used the specific conversation language manner and one more, some law like behavior description. The State Texas governments want to ask and require sworn oath of facts about EQUIVALENT: ATTORNEY OF Alzheimer disease Savior and one more, about the certain limited reasons why we take side with the people who do not care about marriage bedroom time arts and the interests of their businesses that can include times even at Wal-Mart and more.
God says at many different regions of ghost haunting sites that the law is whoever they are or the people will have the war time that they will have . . . , sent me by sworn oath of facts is okay and fine to the State Texas Government Records. Again, God sent me to give you at least the statements of the number 37. Whoever you are and they may be can say sworn oath of fact(s.) the other way.
38. You wanted to emphasize what God says and approve this. Time before eras ago, some numbers of people who say that they were related with John or John as some who is difficult to say indicated that Microsoft Corporation computer operating system was made up by efforts of some many refugee citizens who wanted to flee from the law of Nazi Military occupation law there in France, short time ago and before the construction to the Statue of Liberty.
The same people wanted to hint whatever it was about Holy Bible and wanted to philosophically applaud as behavior that some many refugee citizens should and can expectedly contribute and help Computer Operating System and call it Windows. It happened in Grayson County Texas and little somehow in Dallas County, Texas.
If the facts are confirmed to be genuine and certified result then, I wanted to indicate that our people here are not and should not be expectedly interested in computer programs related development in future because whoever the people by now, should have settled off, away, and at the same time, against Nazi Military occupation history law.
All our peoples and citizens of people groups everywhere throughout the nations and four nations have population hormone diseases of Alzheimer, IBS, and limitedly yet, Dementia at the same time. That's why ! People must cure hormone diseases and have marriage bedroom time arts related interests and knowledge of how to for the first time in the history. It is why . . . , please !
Nazi Military occupation law is and must be evil. However, if the communism law is about some beautiful women who like to see and/or know bow down honor before beauty and after that, to make ranks at first and secondly later, some imitation of hierarchy against the history of Majesty Laws before then, we are against computer operating system enhancement efforts and results before . . . , no, yet no more program efforts and results related progress ought to continue.
Not only, it was suspected that whoever John and the Holy Bible were not about certain families of the apostle John before. It was about Mr. Bill Gates and another name of John or the President John F, Kennedy directly related people group of red coat history before, although the President John F, Kennedy and the directly related family came from probably around some history of Hanukah war, as related with the House of David. They belong to the citizenship people group with the House of David. It is the reason.
39. The woman will die. It is okay. King David said. He . . . , insisted . . . , No, Never . . . , I did it . . . , was or is difficult to say about grammar.
If the King David had one law as related with God, such as and like that included one marriage with Bathsheba, it was to legally make the facts, and/or hopefully the truth to become known quietly at display that the governments before will know things must become judged very early at the first occasion and be informed later instead of the other way, upside down from some inconsistent, and/or insolent, and/or not honorable result of the punishments at first and some much way too quickly claimed majesty credit(s), and/or credit[s]., of the punishments along with all these men. It is why the woman may die under the judgement.
The apostle Andrew came from the family line of the King Solomon or Zelowi or Zelowee. On the other hand, the family line of the Virgin Miriam or Miahree truthfully or Mary came as related with formally the wife of sometime, Nahvi or often Nehber, not, never, and no Navy . . . , or the woman who was widow and hardly never been touched. The President John F, Kennedy indicated to probably VHS tape recorded news that it was difficult to say that he was related with some family of Virgin emphasis . . . , no, never . . . , other than Me . . . Ah and ah . . . ree. And the claim of the entire land for the United States of America and free laws to use or have and take advantage was that at least one fifth or hopefully two fifth of [E. G. Difficult to say, yet ]., land amount or now, amounts was the price and negotiation for three military units who were related with the history of many numbered apostles before. From the East Coast to the West Coast, like to be easy, from East to West, up to two over five was the request for their land region, and it never did include Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and probably more. If the people. . . , lists did not agree they were to be released from one over five, if not upto two third . . . , No, Never . . . , just two over five recognized United States of America, their lands, . . . , to never increase in size again probably, as aired to broadcast locally and nationally probably or possibly within and throughout DFW Airport interrelated counties before. And the family line of the righteous man Joseph, a father of Jesus Christ God, the sovereign Lord who was God came from one more last family line . . . , Please ! It means there were three kinds of people groups. And later, the Apostle Peter took the place of one last people group.
People of Judas Iscariot related mindset(s) and hopefully not the culture belonged to the widow who became one of three wives with the King David . . . , No, Never . . . , However, the people(s) were afraid back then, and they did it as women. And temporarily the King David had said it was okay to betray by words from the place of women . . . , until the day . . . , of Jesus Christ God, the Lord who was like God at least . . . , No, Never . . . , around the times of some mid Medes small empire History Time tables. In the times of crosses related news, culture(s), and threats, (the.) women did it again. It was their war time culture.
And recently, uncertain Nazi women Government of Nazi people history added pornography magazines. Otherwise, it may be limitedly true . . . , no, never . . . , that some Nazi young women or their government representatives wanted to punish at some early occasion, like and such as against the men who looked down on, like as if underneath . . . , to rule . . . , no !
40. The men who overlooked no . . . , looked down against the women or yes . . . , some Women Governments later . . . , decided to torment sexually . . . , and more.
At this time of not too much familiar sexual encounters and more, the men gave up and said yes to the laws.
And the law(s)., were such as and like that in behalf of women, the country boundaryline majesty crime was no crime at all, if it was about life . . . , No, Never . . . , as sexually and culturally majesty country boundaryline crime no . . . , and possibly and probably legally-claimed-beautiful-women-government(s)-majesty claimed country boundaryline size claim, like certain possible people who wanted to become added next to the President John F, Kennedy and more, like the word House and the next word later, David.
These people ought to not become permitted to be able to make deposits and withdrawals, as interrelated and/or related with the King David history interrelated history lists of 39., 40., possibly and more later.
The date of many indicated lists of this time is Tuesday, 10, 8, 2024. More list(s) may or may not become added, and/or increased about the King David.
Praise, honor, thanks, and more are given to Happy Birthday God, my and our Savior YHWH YHWH the only true God who is good and in trust, Amen.